Tag: plant medicine

Survival Skills and Hands on Training!

Survival Skills and Hands on Training! James Walton “I Am Liberty” From bush craft to natural medicines and even good old fashioned self defense. Tonight on I Am Liberty we have Sam Coffman. The man behind www.thehumanpath.com, in my opinion, the most comprehensive survival school in the country. There is no substitute for on the…
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June 12, 2015 0

Essential Oils KISS First Aid Kit!

Essential Oils KISS First Aid Kit Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Want to know how to include essential oils in your first aid kit? Tune into this episode of Herbal Prepper Live to learn what oils you’ll need, how to use them, and how to store them. The essential oils discussed in this show…
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September 7, 2014 0

Snake Bites, Infections and Herbal Medicine!

Snake Bites, Infections and Herbal Medicine Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” As we have talked about before, the three biggest issues after a disaster are very likely going to be food, water and medicine. Add to this the fact that most post-disaster environments are laden with potential health threats: Rubble, obstacles and hazards, open…
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August 19, 2014 0

Ebola, The Virus!

Ebola,  The  Virus Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” I have had so many emails asking me about herbal possibilities in dealing with Ebola virus, that I am going to come out of what was meant to be a month-long hiatus (taken due to being so busy) and talk about Ebola. This is obviously uncharted…
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August 5, 2014 0

Art and Science of Plant Medicine

The Art and Science of Plant Medicine – a discussion with herbalist Lisa Ganora Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” This week, Sam Coffman pulls out and dusts off an old podcast from several years ago. He interviews Lisa Ganora, who has taken over the ownership and direction of the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism…
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June 24, 2014 0

Gunshot Wounds in a Post-Disaster Environment!

Gunshot wounds in a post-disaster environment! Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” Everybody who prepares for the worst should have at least one firearm and preferably much more than just one. Pistol, rifle and shotgun are all necessary weapons to own for defense and hunting. Anyone owning weapons should also incorporate firearm training and maintenance…
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January 7, 2014 0

Venomous Snake Bites, Infections and Herbal Medicine.

Venomous Snake Bites, Infections and Herbal Medicine Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” As we have talked about before, the three biggest issues after a disaster are very likely going to be food, water and medicine. Add to this the fact that most post-disaster environments are laden with potential health threats: Rubble, obstacles and hazards,…
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October 29, 2013 0

Herbal Medicine, First Aid to Save Your Life!

Herbal medicine is a must know in first aid in saving a life. There have been some major natural disasters this year so far, from the California fires to the very recent (and current) flooding in Colorado. I am originally from Colorado and over two decades ago I lived in two of the canyons that…
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September 18, 2013 1

Having the skills to survive, and performing under pressure!

Sam Coffman is a former Green Beret medic, survival school instructor (The Human Path) (Visit Show Page) with over 20 years’ experience teaching survival, plant medicine and self-defense. He also has over 10 years’ experience as a clinical herbalist working with plant medicine in field and remote environments. In his first podcast on Prepper Broadcasting…
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August 22, 2013 0

Sustainable, Practical Medicine before and after the Sh*t Hits the Fan

Most preppers spend some time thinking about medicine after a social collapse, and stocking up on pharmaceutical supplies, as they should. Food, water and medicine are the first three resources that are fought over after every disaster, large or small. However, pharmaceutical supplies are limited and also require a certain type of training and experience…
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August 21, 2013 0

Do you have skills, and can you really perform them under pressure?

Sam Coffman is a former Green Beret medic, survival school instructor (The Human Path) (Visit Show Page) with over 20 years’ experience teaching survival, plant medicine and self-defense. He also has over 10 years’ experience as a clinical herbalist working with plant medicine in field and remote environments. In his first podcast on Prepper Broadcasting…
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August 14, 2013 0