Tag: planning

Understanding and Mastering the Bugout!

Understanding and Mastering the Bugout Process James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! For a long time I have been looking for the best way to really dig into the bugout process. There is probably no other part of prepping that has more air time than the bugout. It’s a very popular topic and…
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April 19, 2018 0

Changes are a Coming?

Changes are a Coming… to be or not to be? Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! New Year’s Day has come and gone already….. as the New Year arrives and begins there are always thoughts of change, perhaps renewal and growth. Winter in the northern hemisphere at least has always been a time of…
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January 10, 2018 0

Bug Out Locations!

Bug Out Locations Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! There are various scenarios from the possibility of natural disasters to post-apocalyptic chaos that prompt people to find secret locations where they can exist off the grid. When there’s a natural disaster that covers quite a large area – like a hurricane, the necessity…
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November 14, 2017 0

Family Emergency Planning!

Family Emergency Planning Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” In today’s world we are always connected. Cell phones, computers, and social media are almost always within our reach. This ease of access also comes with ease of mind. With a few swipes you can see where your children, wife, and even friends are. It’s not hard…
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August 6, 2016 0

Spring, getting prepared!

Spring, getting prepared! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It seems like every warm day in Winter is brings such a deep hope of whats to come. I don’t know about you but I experience winter fatigue about 3 days into the season. Not really. After the holidays though I do begin to climb the walls.

February 20, 2016 0

What is it to live Off Grid?

What is it to live Off Grid? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” First, right now I do not live off grid… While wishes I do think come true…there is much that must be overcome sometimes to get what we hope for. A favorite saying of mine is the 7 p’s (a military adage) “Proper Planning and Preparation…
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December 3, 2015 0

The New Prepper Overload!

The New Prepper Overload DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” It happens… New and Old to the world of Prepping sometimes things just get overwhelming and we need to take a breather.  It is important to keep our priorities in line so that we can better plan our preparedness. Whether we use checklists or a system of…
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August 12, 2015 0

The self sufficient home!

The self sufficient home. DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” This week on Surviving Dystopia I would like to discuss the art of self sufficiency! What exactly is it to be self sufficient? Personally I think there are many “degrees” of self sufficiency. While to one person it might simply mean that they do not need assistance…
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July 22, 2015 0

Winter is coming, Prepare Wisely!

Winter is coming, Prepare Wisely! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” The days are getting shorter and here in Virginia the humidity is beginning to wane. This means different things to different people. Some of us love the holidays and the cold weather. I love the former but hate the latter. This could also mean…
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September 20, 2014 0

Shopping Tactics to Psychological Preparedness!

Shopping Tactics to Psychological Preparedness! Host: Gary & GGsBoo “The Road Less Traveled” Welcome to this week’s outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this excursion we’ll continue focusing on some of the intricacies of Prepping from our perspectives with an emphasis on psychological preparedness being quite important to our overall efforts. Learning exactly who…
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February 14, 2014 0

Financial Preparedness! “The Sky is Falling”

Blood on the Moon, a sign/omen that danger is coming. Through the eyes of many, an apt description of the times we live in. A glance at any news site is sure to enforce this belief with predictions of financial crisis, continued economic failure, natural disasters in all corners of the world, civil wars, holy…
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October 13, 2013 0

Evacuation Planning!

Planning for Evacuation! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” Your home is your castle and I’m sure, like me, you don’t plan to leave it all behind unless you absolutely have to. Sometimes though, bugging out is the only option, and the decision to do so may be made for you either by evacuation orders or…
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October 12, 2013 0

It’s time to start planning your garden!

This Saturday on “The Prepared Canadian“, with snow levels measured in feet and temperatures reaching the minus 30 range, I thought this would be a great time to start talking about this year’s garden.  No, I’m not completely off my rocker with cabin fever!  There is actually very little time left to start thinking about…
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January 19, 2013 0