Tag: Physical fitness

Physical Fitness: What is fit for you?

Physical Fitness: What is fit for you? Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio player provided! It’s said that most people in America are three minutes away from a McDonalds. That supplying electric wheelchairs are an industry standard for any moderate to large size retail chain store because many customers fatigue to quickly. That clothing manufacturers…
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June 9, 2017 0

Resolution! Get Prepped & Healthy in 2015 “LIVE”

Resolution! Get Prepped & Healthy in 2015 “LIVE” Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Time for a little tough love. If you aren’t healthy, you aren’t prepped. This episode is going to be the first in a series of shows on various aspects of creating and increasing health. Because losing weight is such a popular…
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December 28, 2014 0

Walk a Mile – Stocking up on Health

Walk a Mile – Stocking up on Health Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Walk a mile in my shoes. Could you? Can you? Is it really all that important in the grand scheme of things? We have cars, bikes, buses, trains, planes, mopeds, and more to assist us in getting from one…
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January 19, 2014 0

Preparing your Body, Meals from Superfoods.

We all know about the superfoods. Those spices and herbs that can turn you into a health beast. There are so many great foods out now and the science to back it up is stronger than ever. But the question is, what the hell do you do with a pomegranate seed or how do I…
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August 30, 2013 0