Tag: pharmacy

Herbalist Susun Weed returns to The Other Side of a Preppers Path!

As we prepare we often think of the scenario where the end of the world as we know it is the norm, meaning that all we take for granted now is no more. But preparing for life isn’t just about the future catastrophe it’s about right now, today right this minute.  Finances are an issue…
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February 24, 2013 0

The medicine cabinet outside!

This episode of “Foraging For Life” we will look a few more resources nature has to offer in the way of medicinal plants and herbs. There are several plants and herbs that are in natures medicine cabinet that can help us when no other resources are available. We will talk about a few of these…
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December 28, 2012 1

Prepping for no access to a pharmacy?

How prepared are you should there come a time when you can not make the trip to a pharmacy and cant access an online pharmacy? What if a collapse were to happen, which seems inevitable, are you prepared? Do you know your herbs and the medicinal advantages they have besides saving you a lot of…
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March 7, 2012 0