Tag: pain

Off-Grid Dental Care and Emergencies!

Off-Grid Dental Care and Emergencies Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This  Herbal Prepper Live show explores the preventative and emergency dental care for off-grid scenarios. Preppers tend to think a lot about what life would be if there were no doctor, hospital, or pharmacy around. This week, we’re looking at strategies if…
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February 5, 2018 0

Prepping with Arthritis!

Prepping with Arthritis Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This week’s show is all about arthritis and what you can do for a back up plan in case the pharmacy shelves were empty. How Arthritis Can Slow Preppers Down! Arthritis can leave us with painful knees, hands, and neck. The joint pain of…
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January 22, 2018 0

Dental Care Post-Disaster!

Dental Care Post-Disaster! Sam Coffman “Herbal Medic” This week, I will talk about dental hygiene and tooth care using unconventional (primarily herbal) approaches. First, how do you take care of tooth hygiene, cavities and gum disease in a post disaster setting where there is no dentist and possibly no toothpaste, toothbrushes or other dental hygiene supplies?…
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June 18, 2015 0

Sunburn and Herbal Care!

Sunburn and Herbal Care Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” A sunburn is never pleasant. But, what if the S has hit the F, and you get a bad sunburn? You could be down for days, leaving any necessary tasks undone and your location one defender less until you recover. This episode is will cover how…
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May 24, 2015 0

KISS First Aid- Basic first aid kit pt 2

KISS First Aid- Adding on to the basic first aid kit Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” In the previous episode of Herbal Prepper Live, we looked at how to build an herbal first aid kit that would address a wide range of issues, the the least amount of items. This kit employed the KISS…
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August 31, 2014 0

Medicinal Honey (Cont.) & St. John’s Wort

Medicinal Honey (Cont.) and St. John’s Wort Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Continuing with our show from last week on medicinal honey and it’s wonderful medicinal properties, this week I will share with you some of my most favorite honey-based remedies. Learn how to use herbs to enhance honey for burn care, wound care, make…
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May 24, 2014 1

Doom and Bloom, cosmic, garden updates and treatment for infections.

On the Doom and Bloom Hour with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy, we will review the latest cosmic events and Nurse Amy’s garden update. Dr. Bones discusses important medications you should stock up on for the treatment of infections. Nurse Amy reviews joint diseases and some natural remedies to help with the pain. Nurse Amy…
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February 17, 2013 0