Tag: Outdoor

Best Outdoor Camping Equipment for Preppers

Best Outdoor Camping Equipment for Preppers Camping is a fantastic opportunity for preppers to exercise their skills and get used to the idea of an emergency situation. So, if you want to be truly prepared pack up the right equipment (as I listed it below) and head to the woods for a night or two…
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October 9, 2018 0

5 tips for outdoor shooting range!

5 tips for outdoor shooting range! It’s very normal for anyone practicing outdoor shooting to miss the target at any given point during the exercise. Does it mean that you should be discouraged and give up? No, because this won’t be a good attribute for a great shooter. Great shooting calls for consistency in practicing…
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January 9, 2018 1

Outdoor Adventure & Essential Skills!

Outdoor Adventure & Essential Skills! Josh “7 P’s of survival” This show in player below! On this episode of 7 P’s of Survival we are talking about one of my favorite survival handbooks. The Survival Handbook: Essential Skills For Outdoor Adventure. While this book has never made it into my pack it is without a doubt graphic intensive…
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November 2, 2016 0