Tag: outbreak

Ebola Still Living in Doctor’s Eye!

Ebola Found Still Living In Recovered Doctor’s Eye Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” While Ebola may have been out of the news, the problem hasn’t gone away. Ebola is still going strong in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone. The numbers of infected are well over twenty thousand now, and the outbreak isn’t showing signs…
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May 10, 2015 1

Prepare for Ebola!

Now Is The Time To Prepare Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” The Director of the CDC, Tom Frieden, said that Ebola’s spreading to the United States is “inevitable“. When the Center for Disease Control sends the word out to hospitals that, “Now is the time to prepare,” providing a checklist to hospitals urging them…
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September 28, 2014 2

Part 1 Communicable diseases and conditions caused by the lack of hygiene, sanitation and poor living conditions.

Over thousands of years poor living conditions, sanitation and lack of hygiene has caused some of the most devastating wide spread diseases and deaths in the history of mankind. Just think about Hepatitis A, Giardia, Cholera, Dysentery, food poisoning (Salmonella and E. coli), lice, and scabies. What causes the start and spread of the disease?…
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February 22, 2013 0