Tag: nuclear attack

Doomsday! Two and a Half Minutes to Midnight

Doomsday! Two and a Half Minutes to Midnight Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below! Due to current events, nuclear war has recently become a hot topic among both preppers and non-preppers alike. The Doomsday Clock published on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists website has been moved forward to 2.5 minutes to midnight.…
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May 1, 2017 0

Nitty Griddy EMP

Nitty Griddy EMP Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” There are several different reasons and scenarios that could drive us back to the stone age. You could be tired of life heartbroken, in debt, just all around tired of the way things are run and suddenly you vanish. You pack what you need, find a decent piece of land…
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April 23, 2015 0