Tag: Myths

Survival/Prepping Myths and Facts with Rogue’s Guide to Preparedness

You are going to love this impassioned breakdown of myths in our world. Morgan does a great job at dispelling some of the biggest myths and she talks about the why and her own personal experience, as well.  Listen to “Survival/Prepping Myths & Facts” on Spreaker.

January 30, 2019 0

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito!

Dive Bombers of Summer The mosquito! Lynna “A Preppers Path ” Audio player below! The dive bombers aka heat seeking missiles of summer have arrived in full force and have invaded our lives. They strike like stealth missiles and and their attack always leaves it’s mark, often for days! The dreaded mosquito. Depending upon where…
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June 27, 2018 0

The Prepper Rant!

The Prepper Rant Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided! I may be on my Soap Box a bit but a lot of “myths” or plain false-hoods have been told about prepping, from both sides, preppers and non-preppers. There is so much misinformation out there it is unbelievable, akin to a room for experts…
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July 25, 2017 0

Health, as a prep?

Health, as a prep? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided! As a prepper we often think we are supermen, we are above the curve, we know it all. Well don’t jump to too many conclusions there just yet. We as preppers have many aspects we have to control, one being health. I was…
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June 13, 2017 0

Myths and Rants!

Prepper Myths and Rants Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” Are you familiar with the ever ending myths that go behind prepping? I will answer some  of these questions that non preppers ask all of the time. Questions such as, are we all just paranoid loons? Do we all wear tin foil hats waiting for the end?…
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February 16, 2016 1

Prepper/Survival Myths

Prepper/Survival Myths Host: James “I Am Liberty” We are all learning. Every day we are reading and learning. How to’s and What if’s. The thing is now more than ever there are many keyboard survivalists and article writers who are looking to get traffic with outlandish articles that could hurt you more than help you. 

October 16, 2015 0

Myths and Preppers!

Myths and Preppers Host: James “I Am Liberty” We are all learning. Every day we are reading and learning. How to’s and What if’s. The thing is now more than ever there are many keyboard survivalists and article writers who are looking to get traffic with outlandish articles that could hurt you more than help you.…
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October 25, 2013 0