Tag: money

Three things America should know! Part 2

Three things America should know! Part 2 Host: Charlie “Charlie in the Box” From a young age we are taught a lot of different things in the public school system. As you can tell by the way society is going we have not been given the correct tools to function as a free society. Too…
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January 17, 2014 0

Our money and how we might be masters of it instead of slaves.

The average American family has burdened themselves with — depending on what source you believe — $7,500 to $16,000 in credit card debt alone.  As of December 12th, the average credit card rate stands at over 14%.  You don’t have to be a whiz at math to see this is not a good situation to be…
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December 19, 2012 0

The Crooked Path to Preparedness discussing Prepping on the Cheap.

This Tuesday on The Crooked Path to Preparedness we are going to discuss Prepping on the Cheap. Not too many people have so much money they can just run out and buy everything they need to be prepared for tomorrow’s disaster. Most people are normal, everyday, overall wearing, average income earning people that have to…
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October 23, 2012 0

Common sense ways we can prepare now!

In our hurried lives, there never seems to be enough time or money for Prepping.  Still, prepping is a very important part of our future and most of us realize the need to take care of ourselves rather than be dependent on others. Getting our whole family on board sounds easier than it is. Join…
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September 28, 2012 0

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that!

“Common Sense Prepping” We have that! Their is a new show in town “Common Sense Prepping” with Deb aka “PerbainPrepper” and this weeks guests will be SouthernBelle and a few of Debs’ students, who will discuss how preparation has given them a calm heart in fearful times. Deb talks about common sense things we can do right now to plan…
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September 14, 2012 0

Over 50? Save a little money for your preps!

In these dire times we all can use some help. If you are a prepper, like many of us it’s scrimp and save to prepare. I recently received this email from a dear friend and found worth posting and sharing with all of you. I believe that most preppers are in the 50 plus year…
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September 8, 2012 0