Tag: money

Winning the Prepper Lottery

Winning the Prepper Lottery Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we are going to be playing a little bit of fantasy. Sometimes you need to take a break from the doom and gloom and have fun. So tonight we are not going to be teaching a skill or cool prepper tool.…
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March 17, 2018 0

5 Ways to Prep without Spending Money!

5 Ways to Prep without Spending Money Who would say “no” to prepping for free? Not many people, I imagine… I know stockpiling costs money, but I went ahead and found the things to do to prepare that cost (almost) nothing. What many people forget is that survival is about much more than just buying…
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December 28, 2017 1

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career? James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! In all actuality a crushing economic downturn or even serious nuclear disaster will not mean the end of commerce. It may not look like it used to but you are still going to want to have value in the world. You…
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October 19, 2017 0

Prepping on a Budget!

Prepping on a Budget Forrest Garvin “The Prepping Academy” Audio player below! On this episode of the “The Prepping Academy” Forrest and Tenderfoot discuss one of the most talked about subjects in prepping, Prepping on a Budget. This subject has been on every blog and podcast out there. On this show we hope to share…
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October 3, 2017 0

The Survival Entrepreneur!

The Survival Entrepreneur! Jamea Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! There are lots of people out there making varying degrees of money from the survival niche. Whether its owning a blog, writing a book or even some level of training or consulting there is money to be made. There are even people making…
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May 11, 2017 0

Internet Money on I Am Liberty!

Internet Money! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below! Its very rare we take the time to talk about income but lately I have been looking for ways to change that. The motivation behind this is two fold. One is the fact that I am looking to take control of my world…
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September 29, 2016 0

Making money and rural living!

Making money and rural living DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” I hear it over and over. Always the same problem and the one big problem many homesteaders struggle to overcome. In a rural setting often times jobs can be scarce. How can you make money to pay for things like taxes and incidentals?

March 3, 2016 0

Penny Pinching Projects!

Penny Pinching Projects for Preppers… D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” Well now isn’t that a tongue twister? But seriously, a great topic I think. After last week’s chat about others around us not agreeing with why we prep. It seems only fitting that we discuss some things to help us prep without breaking the bank. There…
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October 29, 2015 0

Dirt Cheap Prepping!

Dirt Cheap Prepping! Host: Bob Mayne “Today’s Survival Show” Some of us have limited budgets. It can be very intimidating to prepare your family for an emergency or SHTF situation and not have the money to do so. In this episode I interview Cal Wilson, the Author of the book, “Dirt Cheap Valuable Prepping.” I think…
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March 28, 2015 0

Highway Robbery!!!

Highway Robbery!!! Host: Doug Carlston “The Surreal News” Imagine you own a small business, and after a grueling week, you close up for the night on Friday evening. Heading for the bank with your hard earned business receipts for the week in the amount of $10,000. Just a few blocks from work, your day get’s…
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October 1, 2014 1

How to “prep” when in debt?

How to “prep” when in debt? I’ve heard the question and seen it posed on many forums; do I forgo bills in order to build my preps? Maybe pay just the minimum on my bills in order to build on my preps or do I not worry about my preps until I have my bills…
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September 13, 2014 4

“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S.

“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S. Hosts: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours Show, Nick and Don continue sharing the tools of sustainability and empowerment of independence with a VERY special guest. She’s a “goddess” in her field and an author with the know-how. She has watched the business…
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June 2, 2014 0

Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII

Evacuation to Tips & Tricks from WWII! Two shows with a lot of good information starting off with “The Prepared Canadian” and followed by Gary and Brenna of “The Road Less Traveled”. In this first broadcast Denob asks the questions; Do you have what it takes to survive an evacuation at a moment’s notice? What would…
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March 29, 2014 0