Tag: mistakes

Prepping For Camping : 7 Camping Mistakes To Avoid

  Owing to our busy lives, hectic work schedule, and sedentary lifestyle, we face difficulty in coping with the fast pace of this modern era. No wonder the millennials are trying to seek refuge in vacationing, solo travel, and adventure activities. Camping is the perfect way to unwind under the stars, soak in the warmth…
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November 8, 2019 0

Mistakes a prepper must avoid when using a boot knife!

Mistakes a prepper must avoid when using a boot knife Author: John Lewis Nowadays, people in this self-reliance journey are starting to pay more attention towards boot knives because it is easier to carry it around and better to conceal. This can be seen clearly when you are comparing between concealing a knife and a…
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September 11, 2018 0

A Beginners Guide to Prepping!

A Beginners Guide to Prepping! If you’re just starting off in the world of prepping, welcome to the team! If you’re still contemplating whether to get on board, hopefully this will persuade you to the light. It may seem a like a daunting task to begin preparing for the worst, but if you know where…
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January 7, 2017 0

Prepper Mistakes!

Prepper Mistakes James Walton “I Am Liberty” On this episode of I AM Liberty I wanted to take some time to talk about the pit falls I have ended up in or the miss steps based on starting as a prepper. You know it’s easy to get all worked up and start making decisions based on…
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July 28, 2016 0

Lessons of generations past!

Lessons of generations past! DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” This week we take a journey into the past, an exploration of how things were done in “The Old Days.” For some of us when we consider things the way they were, sometimes it is with nostalgia or with a whimsical smile it brings warm fuzzy thoughts.…
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July 29, 2015 1

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater!

6 Critical Mistakes When Collecting Rainwater! Rainwater is safe. Rainwater is free. Rainwater needs to be harvested. Unless you leave near a nuclear plant or in a highly polluted region, you shouldn’t shy away from collecting and stockpiling as much rainwater as possible. Although it’s a little acidic, so are many of the foods we…
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June 23, 2015 4

Survival Misfire!

Survival Misfire Host: Jackie “Apocalypse Nana” You are sitting at your desk. Suddenly the sky around you brightens with a blinding flash. You don’t need to be a nuclear war survivalist to know that some sort of mega explosion has occurred nearby. Perhaps not in your city but close enough that you are in danger. Do…
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February 19, 2015 0

Save someone, share your mistakes!

Hey Prepper, Can You Spare Some “Change”? For our first “The Smith Fix” show on American Preppers Radio I think we should review our own Prepper Philosophies and see if they have changed a America has “Changed”. Still think you can “Bug Out”? Still think you can “Bug In”? Then: What have we learned as…
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July 10, 2013 0

Homesteading and learning from our mistakes!

On the Homestead Honey Hour TheMrsVolfie takes the helm in this episode of learning and sharing from mistakes as well as triumphs! I have heard it said that there is livestock and there is dead stock, when we start homesteading and prepping we don’t have all the answers so we rely on the internet. We…
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February 14, 2013 0