Tag: minds

The Minds of Preppers, Jump Inside!

The Minds of Preppers Host: Dave Womack “The Gun Show” Are you prepared?  I mean really prepared?  Most survivalists will prep for everything from economic collapse to nuclear war.  We’re all guilty of buying this new gun, that new solar oven, or this new machine gun and that underground bunker… But what about the most important prep…
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February 10, 2014 0

God bless the victims of Newtown, CT.

This Monday, on The Preppers Poitin Hour, Chris will sadly delve into the minds of the sick and the twisted.  We will talk about the correlation of modern society’s trappings, the younger generations, and the explosive and destructive violence.  We will also give a moment’s thoughts to how the cynical and agenda driven will profit…
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December 16, 2012 1