Tag: Mind set

Cultivating MacGyver: The Solutions

Cultivating MacGyver: The Solutions Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided below! Oh man did you see that he just pulled a MacGyver that whole thing! What? What did I just say. Yes in fact I said he MacGyver’d something or other. He created the solutions. In today’s colloquial American English lexicon when someone “MacGyvers”…
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March 7, 2018 0

Challenges! You can Prep, you can be READY!

When faced with a challenge many believe it’s impossible! As Preppers we focus on the challenges of Prepping! Climbing Mt Everest; descending into the Marianas Trench; raising a child…All thought impossible by someone somewhere until THEY DID IT! Lynna’s guest on this episode of “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” is well known prepper, radio host, blogger, and author The Covert…
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August 16, 2012 0

The Prepping Mindset!

You know the drill, you read the blogs, listen to the prepper  shows and feel pretty good about the food storage you’ve accumulated so far. Here’s the rub, could you institute what you’ve read, heard and seen in the event of a major disaster?  It’s one thing to talk about eating weeds to survive and…
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May 15, 2012 0