Tag: methods

Tips For Walleye Fishing

Tips For Walleye Fishing The backbone to becoming a good fisher of walleye fish needs not only the physical skill of fisheries but also the knowledge on the fish. Being able to understand your fish will not only help you in making a big catch but also in understanding the characteristics of your fish.

July 31, 2017 0

Hygiene and being resourceful!

Hygiene and being resourceful! When you talk about threats in a post disaster scenario it’s easy to get wrapped up in the obvious. I wouldn’t begrudge anyone for having fear of roving mobs of the desperate, life threatening conditions of the environment around us or even the very real possibility of starvation. These are threats…
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March 10, 2017 0

The Basics in Herbal Formulas!

The Basics in Herbal Formulas! Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” Herbal formulas are a severely underutilized resource by preppers. Plant-based remedies provide an easy, affordable, and renewable alternative for post-collapse medicines. Herbs, mushrooms, trees, and other natural items, like honey, provide a wealth of traditional remedies

June 20, 2016 0

Agriculture, keeping up pt 2!

Agriculture, keeping up pt 2! Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres” On the next episode of Makers on Acres Tech. Build and Grow show, we venture into part 2 of our modern agriculture topic. On the last episode we talked a small bit about gmo, soil erosion and corn. On this next episode we will dive…
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March 27, 2016 0

Methods for Preserving Food

Methods for Preserving Food James Walton “I Am Liberty” We had a cold snap here in VA and that always brings to mind the need for food preservation skills. My history as a chef has taught me a lot about Preserving Food not from a survival stand point but from a swanky food trend stand…
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September 18, 2015 0

Livestock integration!

Livestock integration! Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show Nick and Don will be covering the much anticipated topic of “livestock integration.” The principle is simple, the process isn’t always so. One look at nature and you’ll see there are not any rows of corn, wheat or…
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June 9, 2014 0

Planting for Storage!

Planting for Storage! Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian” This week I’m going to discuss gardening from a bit of a different perspective. There is no shortage of information out there about garden placement for maximum sun, or how to double dig your vegetable plot. You can even find more than you could possibly read about…
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May 17, 2014 0

Fitness and Disaster Preparedness

Fitness and Disaster Preparedness Host: Sam Coffman Functional fitness is a concept that describes practical, common-sense methods of both getting into shape and staying in shape. Like most things in our current American culture, it is easy to compartmentalize exercise into something that is separate from everyday life. Join Sam Coffman as he talks about…
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October 8, 2013 0

Canning His Garden,The Canadian Prepper!

It’s harvest time folks, and for a lot of us that means canning season has begun. I’ve done plenty of blog posts about water bath canning high acid foods, so I figured it was about time to take a look at pressure canning. Pressure canning is great for putting up all the produce that is…
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September 7, 2013 0

Cooking outdoors, different methods, and recipes!

Come join BexarPrepper on Preparing For Life’s Storms for an episode of cooking outdoors. You have lots of food storage and you’re learning how to cook with it but did you really think about how you’re going to manage that? There are many options some better than others for either short term or long term.  We’ve got over…
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August 8, 2013 0

Off-grid cooking!

Come join BexarPrepper on Preparing For Life’s Storms Tuesday March 5th at 8pm central time for Off-grid cooking. Last week we heard about HWhit’s off-grid home so now let’s get prepared to cook some food in it. You have lots of food storage and you’re learning how to cook with it but did you really think…
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March 5, 2013 0

How to make soap! All kinds of soap!

Tonight, Thursday 8:00pm/Central We work so hard to be prepared for any eventuality..we can, we dehydrate, we vacuum seal, we garden and raise animals.  We share our knowledge..our experience, strengths and hopes. It IS what we do. This week on “The Homestead Honey Hour” I have a special guest who has gone the extra mile.…
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September 13, 2012 0