Tag: Mental Health

Prepper Fit & Health: Compulsive Behavior

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August 16, 2021 0

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper REWIND” Audio player below! Could you manage depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bi-polar disorder after a disaster? You probably know someone close to you with one of the conditions listed above, because a significant percentage of Americans are on anti-psychotic prescriptions. These drugs are linked…
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March 26, 2018 0

Are you mentally prepared?

Are you mentally prepared? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” In this episode I will discuss the mentally prepared aspect of prepping, most of us do not put much thought into this if any at all. Most of us think that having food, water, weapons are all we need, but mental health in time of crisis…
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June 14, 2016 0

New to Prepping? Hiking, The Best Thing You Can Do!

New to Prepping? Here’s why Hiking is The Best Thing You Can Do A lot of newbie preppers start out with buying things. Emergency food, water, survival knives, bug out bags… who hasn’t felt safer after buying some preps. In reality, this is the worst thing you can do as a newbie prepper. You buy…
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August 29, 2015 0

Mental Health, When the Meds Run Out!

Mental Health, When the Meds Run Out! Host:Cat Ellis: “Herbal Prepper Live” Could you manage depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bi-polar disorder after a disaster? You probably know someone close to you with one of the conditions listed above, because a significant percentage of Americans are on anti-psychotic prescriptions. These drugs are linked to dangerous side…
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August 3, 2014 0