Tag: mental

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper REWIND” Audio player below! Could you manage depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bi-polar disorder after a disaster? You probably know someone close to you with one of the conditions listed above, because a significant percentage of Americans are on anti-psychotic prescriptions. These drugs are linked…
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March 26, 2018 0

Joy in Preparedness!

Joy in Preparedness! Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! The Season of Joy is fast approaching with Thanksgiving Dinner 2017 but a memory and the vestiges of the Christmas Season appearing everywhere. This time of the year is commonly known as the Season of Joy. That being said and considering the time of the…
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December 6, 2017 0

When Darkness Comes! with A Preppers Path on PNB

When Darkness Comes Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Winter is just around the corner and with it comes a plethora of changes for everyone. Change is oft-times difficult and for the most part unwanted by many. Then again Change can be a breath of fresh air and most welcomed. The thing about…
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October 18, 2017 0

Don’t Lose the Mental Game!

Don’t Lose the Mental Game Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Preppers and survivalists, I have a vital message that a lot of you won’t want to hear: It is imperative that you keep your head in the game and keep calm. I know, with all the signs of increased terror activity, the shenanigans of

July 18, 2016 0

Balancing humanity and technology!

Balancing humanity and technology! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” There is no denying that we are who we are today because of the magic of technology. In 65 years technological innovation has simply exploded. Every piece of equipment has been recreated and improved upon. Even some parts of our own bodies have been manipulated…
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March 6, 2015 0