Tag: Memorial day

Memorial Day & dark water ahead!

Memorial Day & dark water ahead! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” There is so much to talk about. Whether it be my concerns, my crazy predictions or my feelings. Of course there are always the facts but what can we talk about on the doorstep of Memorial Day that will not be a regurgitation…
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May 23, 2014 0

Johnathan Snodgrass aka Snoddy – Memorial Day “The Gun Show”!

Yes, If things keep going the way they are now for the next 1-3 years, Yes, I could see our Economy Crash, SHTF and Citizens Rise Up against this Administration, Rebel Against it. Yeah I could share my war stories and considering the fact…. The Treasury is printing money to stay afloat our dollar could…
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May 27, 2013 0

Perpetuating endless wars through fearmongering!

Join your host Chris on The Preppers Poitin Hour as he talks about wars and rumors of war.  With the rhetoric toward Syria ramping, there is North Korea , Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya brewing on the back burner.  The complicit media is abetting the government as they perpetuate endless wars through fearmongering, insinuation, and…
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May 13, 2013 0

Preee-sent Huhrms! Orrr-duh Hurms!! Mr. and Mrs. Smith I present this flag in honor of ….

Preee-sent Huhrms! Orrr-duh Hurms!! Mr. and Mrs. Smith I present this flag in honor of your sacrifice and in condolences for the loss of your son on behalf of a grateful nation…This Memorial Day, join Chris live on The Prepper’s Poitin Hour as he changes it up in honor of his brothers and sisters who…
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May 28, 2012 0