Tag: Medicine

Medicine a top priority for any Prepper in any disaster!

Peace, Joy, Love and all that this season brings…. relaxing and peaceful thoughts… BUT disasters happen every day.  In the wake of the recent tragedy in Conn this was driven home all too vividly to the entire nation. Crisis/Disaster Medicine a top priority in any disaster, what do you know? What can you do? Monday…
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December 17, 2012 0

Dr Bones and Nurse Amy with alternative treatments!

What would you do to take care of your ailments in a post disaster situation? Diabetes is only one of many diseases that could be very difficult to deal with in a SHTF scenario. What about minor infections? If not treated even this could turn deadly. Learn a little about how you can protect your…
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May 25, 2012 0

Susan Weed, herbalist on American Preppers Radio!

The Other Side of a Preppers Path show had herbalist Susan Weed on again sharing more great information on self help remedies and alternatives for prescription medicines. Susun shared her knowledge of herbs and their uses from daily infusions, to alternatives for prescription medicines, what herbs and plants nature has provided us to treat our…
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May 1, 2012 0