Tag: Medicine

Growing your own medicine! Pt. 2

Growing your own medicine! Pt. 2 Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path In today’s podcast Sam Coffman continues the discussion about what is involved in growing medicinal plants for your own back yard “farmacy.” Whether you are growing medicine alongside your food in your backyard, or you have a “guerilla garden” growing in the city…
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June 3, 2014 0

Growing your own medicine

Growing your own medicine Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path In the next 2 weeks’ podcasts, Sam Coffman discusses what is involved in growing medicinal plants for your own back yard “farmacy.” Whether you are growing medicine alongside your food in your backyard, or you have a “guerrilla garden” growing in the city greenbelt behind…
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May 13, 2014 0

Head Injuries and Concussions!

Head Injuries and Concussions! Host: Dr Bones & Nurse Amy “Survival Medicine Hour” In this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour, Joe Alton, M.D., aka Dr. Bones of doomandbloom.net, goes solo for the first time as the lovely Nurse Amy is visiting her daughter in Chicago for Mother’s Day. Join Dr. Bones…
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May 11, 2014 0

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author

299 Days Apocalyptic Fiction Author on Survival Medicine Hour Host: Dr Bones and Nurse Amy “The Survival Medicine Hour” In this episode of the Doom and Bloom(tm) Survival Medicine Hour interview their friend Glen Tate, author of the popular 299 Days apocalyptic fiction series. We’ll talk about Glen’s journey on the road to preparedness, his life…
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April 28, 2014 0

Herbal Antibiotics!

Herbal Antibiotics Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” When antibiotics were introduced in the 1940’s, many in the medical world believed that humans had finally conquered bacterial infections. Once serious infections were now treated easily with just a few pills. It was a great achievement of modern medicine. Bacteria, it turns out, are more…
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March 22, 2014 0


TEOTWAWKI~ A New World! Host: Lynna “…A Preppers Path” TEOTWAWKI is a term often bandied about and usually has a pretty scary meaning. BUT what if you could change your life today, your world, creating a solution based TEOTWAWKI, the way we want it. Imagine your world the way you want it, now, a life…
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October 20, 2013 0

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!

Health Care Solutions / Herbal Medicine!  Host: A Preppers Path Health care is on the minds of many particularly this week with the Obamacare Health Exchanges going on line Tuesday morning. A controversial plan at best, our Nation has embarked on a new course for health care and the people. Notice I didn’t say its people,…
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October 6, 2013 0

Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine

Fall & Winter Gardening, food & medicine! Host: Sam Coffman Depending on where you live in the USA, the time is upon us (and even a little past) for planting fall gardens. Sam Coffman talks through a myriad of subjects regarding growing our own food. Do you know how to properly prepare your garden soil?…
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October 1, 2013 0

Coping with hygiene and sanitation, being #1 in the #2 business!

Hygiene and sanitation, how prepared are you really in regards to  and (in the worst case) coping with gasto-intestinal disease in a post-disaster environment?  Today, on The Human Path Sam Coffman discusses everything you ever wanted to know (and some things you maybe didn’t!) about purifying your water, taking care of human waste, and dealing…
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September 11, 2013 0

When Help is NOT on the Way

On today’s Doom and Bloom Hour, Sunday June 16, 2013, with Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones we discuss an exciting announcement! Our Second Edition has just been released! The new title is ” The Survival Medicine Handbook : When Help is NOT on the Way.” Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy discuss asthma at length, including…
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June 16, 2013 0

Edible Forest Garden

Imagine yourself in a forest where everything around you is either food or medicine!  you have to look carefully, but if you do, you find fruits and nuts swelling with ripeness on the branches all around you!  Because it’s so well hidden, “Zombie hoards” pass by without noticing.  Pears, apples, persimmons, plums, almonds, and peaches…
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March 20, 2013 0

The virtues of raising honey bees!

The Top Bar coming your way 1/27/13.  It’s a (BYOB) Bring your own bottle affair because we are talking about that sweet elixir HONEY! That’s right Christy Hemenway of Gold Star Honey Bees joins the Other Side of A Preppers Path once again to talk about the virtues of raising honey bees and answer your questions.…
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January 27, 2013 0

The medicine cabinet outside!

This episode of “Foraging For Life” we will look a few more resources nature has to offer in the way of medicinal plants and herbs. There are several plants and herbs that are in natures medicine cabinet that can help us when no other resources are available. We will talk about a few of these…
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December 28, 2012 1