Tag: media

Silence the Opposition!

The News Pt 2 Silence the Opposition! Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below This week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines continues the exploration of the ‘tactical execution and practical application’ of collectivization. This practical application includes the implementation of mechanisms that eliminate opposing viewpoints. When these mechanisms manifest themselves within present day events…
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October 16, 2018 0

Twisting The Power of Words!

Twisting The Power of Words! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! Even respectable right wing outlets like the Drudge Report are falling into the dialogue trap. I am a writer and to me words are very important. We are lumping people into categories that are extremely dangerous, not just to the person but…
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August 31, 2017 0

Whats your media diet?

Whats your media diet? James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! We Drudge, we Prepper Website, we SHTFplan and we may even Future Danger from time to time. As preppers and survivalists we consume a lot of media. In fact, its one of the more addictive parts of this whole process. There are tons…
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June 29, 2017 0

Fake News on The APN Report

Fake News Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Audio in player below! From the very beginning, there has been controversy concerning the press & it’s apparent bias over how it reports the news. But of late, a new controversy has appeared that throws fuel on the fire. The rise of “Fake News.” Up until the last…
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March 3, 2017 0

Defending the First Amendment

Defending the First Amendment James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below! This week we have seen the first amendment under attack like never before. Are you prepared to defend the first amendment? Not only now but in hard times. we will also discuss the importance of the second amendment in…
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October 20, 2016 1

The Surreal News 10/15/2014

The Surreal News 10/15/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 10/15/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 10/15/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills of…
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October 15, 2014 0

The Surreal News 9/17/2014

The Surreal News 9/17/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 9/17/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 9/17/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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September 17, 2014 0

When Empires Fail

When Empires Fail on The Surreal News 9/10/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow “The Surreal News” Join us on this incitefull look at what happens when empires fail. We’ll go over what government leaders do, how the “Playbook” is never deviated from. What the motivations are, and how our current American Empire compares. We’ll look at…
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September 10, 2014 0

The Surreal News 9/3/2014

The Surreal News 9/3/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 9/3/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 9/3/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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September 3, 2014 1

The Surreal News 8/27/2014

The Surreal News 8/27/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 8/27/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 8/27/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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August 27, 2014 0

The Surreal News 8/20/2014

The Surreal News 8/20/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 8/20/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 8/20/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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August 20, 2014 0

The Surreal News 8/13/2014

The Surreal News 8/13/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 8/13/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 8/13/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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August 13, 2014 0

The Surreal News 7/30/2014

The Surreal News 7/30/2014 Host: Doug aka GoatHollow News 7/30/2014 with Goat Hollow isn’t quite Edward R. Murrow, remember legendary Edward R. Murrow the quintessence of unbiased and real information, surreal or not? A news media, taking pride in the integrity of reporting with factual representation regardless of personal agenda! The Surreal News 7/30/2014 hearkens back to the reporting skills…
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July 30, 2014 0