Tag: martial law

Building a Fugitive Kit

In this week’s episode we will be discussing how to drop off the grid.  Meaning how to disappear if you were ever to become a fugitive.  Hypothetically speaking, if a major event happens and we as prepper have to fade into black and become the grey man how would we do it.  This week’s episode…
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December 17, 2018 0

What if SHTF Right Now?

What if SHTF Right Now? Let’s do a small exercise. Say disaster struck right now and you have to bug in. Maybe it’s an EMP, maybe it’s an economic collapse, maybe Martial Law or State of Emergency are declared for some reason. What would be the first things to cross your mind when SHTF?

November 22, 2015 0

How Many Disasters are You Prepping For?

How Many Disasters are You Prepping For? The reason I’m asking is this: too many preppers are getting ready for TEOTWAWKI yet they don’t concern themselves with natural disasters that claim American lives each and every year. This got me thinking so I started to do a little digging to see just how prepared most…
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April 20, 2015 0


So what if nothing ever happens? What if all that we do is for nil? Of course in the long run we will all save money and live better lives. Tonight on I Am Liberty I want to be the skeptic. I would love for you folks to prove me wrong. I want to question…
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August 2, 2013 0

Jeffrey Phelps, contends that “martial law” was imposed upon the residents of the northeast.

“The Prepper’s Poitin Hour”, join your host Chris as he talks about the blizzard in the northeast.  He will be discussing an Examiner article written by Jeffrey Phelps that contends that “martial law” was imposed upon the residents of the northeast.  I am trying to get him on the show but can make no promises. …
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February 11, 2013 0

Sovereign citizen? Army and tyranny! Fears and activism!

“The Preppers Poitin Hour” What is a sovereign citizen? We were introduced to their existence by our guests last week so let us pick up the thread and try to learn more about them. Additionally, what constitutes are army that is willing to impose tyranny upon its own people? Some would have us believe that…
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August 13, 2012 0

How do we save our beloved Country and way of life? Can we?

We talk about it, prepare for it but will it happen? World chaos, the 2nd Great Depression, the largest hurricane in history hits Florida and another is bearing down on Texas, martial law is the order of the day. Domestic terrorist run rampant in our Country and the military might of the Middle East has combined…
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July 26, 2012 1

Martial Law, part two on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

Are you worried about the military turning upon the citizens of this nation?  Have you ever seriously considered what martial is and what it means?  Do you think that martial law is a clear and present danger to liberty?  Join me, Chris, as we sit down with the poitin and discuss the specter of martial…
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May 21, 2012 0

What does martial law mean to you?

Are you worried about the military turning upon the citizens of this nation? Have you ever seriously considered what martial is and what it means? Do you think that martial law is a clear and present danger to liberty? Listen to this episode of the Prepper Poitin Hour as Chris sits down with the poitin…
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May 14, 2012 0