Tag: martial arts

Weapons, lethal and hand to hand!

Weapons, lethal and hand to hand! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It wasn’t until I started writing this show description that I realized what an undertaking a show about self defense would be. I mean there are so many means to defend ones self its absolutely mind boggling. There are less than lethal methods, there…
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September 11, 2015 0

Self-Defense, when your ammo runs out!

Self-Defense, when your ammo runs out! Host: Don & Nick “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don we have Troy on the phone! Troy teaches martial arts in the Phoenix area. We cover self-defense and talk about the reasons everyone should train in some type of self-defense. Not…
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October 13, 2014 0

Self Defense Training, The Realities!

Self Defense Training, The Realities! Host: Sam Coffman “The Herbal Medic” We all hope for the best and prepare for the worst. When it comes to self defense most preppers/survivalists would rely on their stockpile of weapons and ammunition. What if for one moment your weapon was not at your side and the unexpected happens?…
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September 9, 2014 0

Combat in preparedness

Combat in preparedness Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Combat this week on I AM Liberty. I think we need to talk about the various options out there. Times have changed a lot since the times of the lonely Karate dojo. The sad thing is many people hear of different martial arts or self defense…
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May 2, 2014 0

Realism in Self Defense Training!

Realism in Self Defense Training! Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path” We all hope for the best and prepare for the worst. When it comes to self defense most preppers/survivalists would rely on their stockpile of weapons and ammunition. What if for one moment your weapon was not at your side and the unexpected happens?…
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November 26, 2013 3