Tag: location

A Case for Williamsburg “Bugging Out”

A Case for Williamsburg “Bugging Out” Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we are going to be discussing an alternate idea for a bug out location. When we think about our bug out location what comes to mind? Do you think of a cabin in the woods, a homestead 30 miles…
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January 6, 2018 0

OPSEC The Quiet Life!

OPSEC The Quiet Life! D J Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” So, you just bought a shiny new  WonderMill grain mill. You ordered it online and it finally arrived in the mail today. Hastily you open the package and excited with your new prepper gadget you swiftly break out the grain and whip up a lovely loaf…
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December 10, 2015 0

Where IS the best place to be in a SHTF situation?

Where IS the best place to be in a SHTF situation? Host: Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour” Your eyes are open. You have watched over the last few years as various aspects of our culture and society spiral out of control, seemingly ever faster. You have that gut feeling something wicked this way comes. It’s…
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January 16, 2014 0

A few lower cost options for that bug out location!

Wouldn’t we all like to have a few dozen acres of semi wooded, prime hunting land complete with fortified home, onsite water and off grid power?  Well sure we would, that sounds like an ideal bug out location!  The reality is there are very few preppers who could afford this type of property, but still…
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March 23, 2013 0

Prepper groups, no one man is an island!

Prepper Groups on The Prepared Canadian! Prepper groups are an ever growing desire for today’s prepper, and with good reason.  It has often been said that no man is an island, and the same applies to preppers.  No one man could be expected to perform all the duties that will be required of us should…
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March 16, 2013 0

Selecting the most productive varieties for your garden depending on where you live!

Over the past month on “Preparing to Provide” we’ve discussed the different “types” of seeds…. Open Pollinated,  Heirloom, and Hybrid. Now it’s time to find those specific “varieties” that will do well in your area. From Florida to Ontario, from Texas to Oregon…. growing conditions vary greatly from one location to another. So it makes…
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December 7, 2012 1

A talk about high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats

Let’s take a look at home security. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety regarding economical, biological or political threat? Are you living in a locale that aids you or places roadblocks in your quest for preparedness and safety? These are questions we often neglect to ask during times…
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October 14, 2012 0

A look at high security, self- sufficient residences and retreats!

Because of technical difficulties this episode had to be cancelled. We will try and reschedule this guest speaker at a later date. We are very sorry for ant inconvenience. Let’s take a look at home security on “The Other Side…A Preppers Path“. Is your home secure? Furthermore is your home location conducive to your safety…
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September 27, 2012 0

Homestead versus Prepper!

Homestead versus Prepper!  Join GoatHollow at 8:00 pm Central time Wednesday 08-15-2012, for a discussion on the virtues of homesteading versus prepping.  We’ll round table with callers, on where the best location is for your prepping homestead. Mountains, plains, midwest?  You tell me your preferences!!! Listen to this show in player below. Listen to internet…
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August 15, 2012 0