Tag: light

More Discipline Part 2 – Sight & Appearance!

More Discipline Part 2 – Sight & Appearance! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! You need more discipline and this week we are continuing with Part 2 of our series. Last week was smell and how to exercise more OPSEC on smoke, fire, cooking, and body odor. This week we begin covering sight and…
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August 18, 2018 0

Thanksgiving off grid workshop making candles!

Thanksgiving off grid workshop making candles! Living off grid for most means solar power for light to see when darkness falls and solar means sun. But when living in norther or southern latitudes the sun does not visit long and is often obscured by snow, rain, or a few clouds. We can not rely totally…
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November 23, 2017 0

Indoor gardening!

Indoor gardening! Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres” On this episode of the Makers On Acres Tech, Build and Grow show we are talking indoor grow lights and indoor gardening! Many of us may not be able to build a greenhouse

January 24, 2016 0