Tag: lifestyle

Readiness Lifestyle at Work!

Readiness Lifestyle at Work James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! What happens when disaster strikes at work. Whether we are talking about the worst case scenario like SHTF or an Active Shooter or even if its just a fluke disaster that forces you and your co workers into an uncomfortable situation, are…
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October 18, 2018 0

Off Grid Living!

Off Grid Living Romance vs Reality Contributed by Dakota Off grid living implies that it’s all about no power, but that is the smallest factor to those of us that live this lifestyle. It’s a choice to live simpler, live among nature, consume less, appreciate time, and have quality time. No more tread mill, making…
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December 3, 2017 0

Prepper Dating

Prepper Dating Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below! You hear about it, we get questions about it often but yet there is no good sources for it. This show is to be dedicated to those that already prep together and for those searching for another to share in the thinking, this life style…
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May 16, 2017 0

Does Prepping Make us Paranoid?

Does Prepping Make us Paranoid? Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below! Earlier shows I’ve talked about how paranoia can be a part of prepping and is it good or not? Well this show is about “Does Prepping Make us Paranoid?” This is a simple question, with a harder answer. Since the term…
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April 18, 2017 0

The Prepper Mindset

The Prepper Mindset Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Listen in player below! This discussion is about the most important prep any individual can use. Your mind. Over the past 15 years I’ve personally gone through several significant changes with my mindset. At one point, despite being raised around guns and shooting from age 5, I…
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October 15, 2016 0

Homesteading and balancing all that weight!

Homesteading and balancing all that weight! Renee “The Homestead Honey Hour” Chances are, if you homestead, you also engage in several of the following activities. Work off-farm, have a family, take care of livestock, keep a large garden, preserve and put up food, heat with wood, and home school, Maybe you also run a home…
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October 5, 2016 0


Simple American Thought! James Walton “I Am Liberty” It’s still possible to live a simple life today. Some of the most recent events in my life have brought me to the conclusion that this is what life is about ‘Simplicity”. This same idea can be grafted into you preparedness. I will talk about that on…
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September 22, 2016 0

Reflections in Prepping

Reflections in Prepping Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Tonight’s episode has no general topic other than a reflection on my past prepping and prepping as whole in the future. I will just generalize what all I have experienced, what I have learned, and what I have planned for the future.

August 16, 2016 0

Myths and Rants!

Prepper Myths and Rants Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” Are you familiar with the ever ending myths that go behind prepping? I will answer some  of these questions that non preppers ask all of the time. Questions such as, are we all just paranoid loons? Do we all wear tin foil hats waiting for the end?…
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February 16, 2016 1

What is it to live Off Grid?

What is it to live Off Grid? DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” First, right now I do not live off grid… While wishes I do think come true…there is much that must be overcome sometimes to get what we hope for. A favorite saying of mine is the 7 p’s (a military adage) “Proper Planning and Preparation…
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December 3, 2015 0

Tiny House,Off-Grid Living!

Off-Grid Living In A Tiny House Could You Do It? Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Well Karen Lynn’s guest tonight Teri at Homestead Honey lives the Off-Grid Tiny House Dream that so many folks are dreaming of these days.  Is it really simpler? Teri’s blog posts and beautiful pics sure capture the imagination of…
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January 19, 2015 0

The collapse, when change will matter!

The Collapse, when change will matter! Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” How many nations have fallen into a complete collapse? Better yet, in the last 200 years how many first world nations have broken down completely into complete chaos? This is not to say that the perfect scenario and the perfect set of circumstances couldn’t…
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August 15, 2014 0

Caring for Chronic Illnesses Post-Disaster

Caring for Chronic Illnesses Post-Disaster Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” Two weeks ago, in my first broadcast, I mentioned an article that cited a rather startling figure. Seventy-five percent of all health care costs are now due to chronic disease. Keeping this in mind, the Centers for Disease control has posted to its…
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March 28, 2014 0