Tag: Life

The Doomsday We Cannot Avoid

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June 29, 2022 0

Fire in the Sky Lessons Learned From a Wildfire.

Fire in the Sky! Lessons Learned From a Real Life Wildfire Event Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below! Wildfire season is fast approaching. Like any small flame, there is a possibility of the uncontrollable force that follows. Tune into this show as we explore the responsibilities you have as a parent and a…
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July 2, 2018 2

The Simple Life

The Simple Life Thoughts and recipe contributed by Dakota The stove crackles, the coffee pot gurgles. The herd of deer have been fed, the wild barn cats as well. Quiet time in the cabin, nestled in a grove of majestic cedars and snow frosted hills……Its chilly this morning. I sigh with gratitude and contentment for…
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November 26, 2017 1

Death and Dying!

Death and Dying Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show EK is back. She will be talking about a very tough topic. Death, dying, and the stages we all go through in the process. In this show we will be discussing what stages a person goes through when they know they are…
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November 4, 2017 0

Prepping should not be 24/7 serious…

Prepping should not be 24/7 serious… Ray Becker… “The Ray Becker Show” Audio player provided! In the first segment I cover the equities markets, metals, the dollar, Shanghai metal prices, BDI, VIX…All of the Indicators that we’ve been following. I believe that it is critical for us to closely monitor all activity at the beginning…
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September 13, 2017 0

Raising Dogs for Hunting and Farm life!

Raising  Dogs for Hunting and Farm life Austin Martin “Homesteady Live“ Audio in player below! DO you want a dog for your farm that will not chase and kill chickens, and that will still retrieve birds and track wild game for you? Find out how to get that in this episode of Homesteady Live.

May 31, 2017 0

Prepper Dating

Prepper Dating Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below! You hear about it, we get questions about it often but yet there is no good sources for it. This show is to be dedicated to those that already prep together and for those searching for another to share in the thinking, this life style…
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May 16, 2017 0

Water Is Life on Prepping Academy

Water Is Life! Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Listen in player below! One of the most important aspects of prepping, water. It is a life giving fundamental we take for granted every day. Whether you’re at home or work you always have ease of access to it. What happens though when the power goes…
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November 5, 2016 0

Life In The Remote Wilderness!

Life In The Remote Wilderness – Could You Do It? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Could you live in the remote wilderness?  Karen Lynn says she could rough it for a while but doesn’t know if she is as tough as Ron’s wife Johanna. Ron Melchiore is an Outdoorsman, Pioneer, Homesteader, Remote Exploration Camp Manager…
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September 7, 2016 0

Successful Fitness in 2016!

Successful Fitness in 2016! James Walton “I Am Liberty” If you don’t think this is a relevant topic for my show or for this network than I think we need to talk one on one. Fitness is not about abs and pecs. Fitness is not about playing sports and fake tans. Fitness is about quality…
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December 12, 2015 0

Sun of Anarchy!

Sun of Anarchy Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana” This Thursday, get ready to step into the light as The Apocalypse Nana Show brings you, “Suns of Anarchy”! This week, our hosts will be talking about none other than: The Sun! That’s right, that great, big hot ball of light in the sky! Join Jackie, Dom,…
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January 9, 2015 1

Love and Preparing

Love and Preparing Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” What is love? When you envision this worst case world I am sure one of the last things on your mind is love. Its very tough to think about these things when your biggest concerns are eating, drinking, and surviving. Still, what are we without this…
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November 21, 2014 0

“The Road Less Traveled” Initial Outing

“The Road Less Traveled” Initial Outing Host: Gary and Brenna “The Road Less Traveled” Welcome to our initial outing on “The Road Less Traveled.” On this first excursion airing Saturday 1/25/2014 9:00pm/Est. 8:00pm/Ct. 6:00pm/Pt. we’ll introduce ourselves and discuss our expected encounters along “The Road” as we progress from week to week. We’ll discuss our origins,…
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January 24, 2014 0