Tag: leadership

Preppers as Future Leaders

Everyone loves a good underdog story. It’s one of those quintessentially American tales where the hero starts out lost, mocked and failing only to hit the bottom and rise up like a phoenix. I often wonder if this has to do with immigration. Every race that came here was picked on and taken advantage of…
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October 29, 2019 0

Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5!

Battlefield America 12 The rules of the game part 5! Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, the examination of the ‘playbook’ for implementing societal change enters a new stage. Finishing the study of theories and maxims, we shift toward an in-depth analysis of the individuals…
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August 7, 2018 0

Prepper Leadership!

Prepper Leadership! David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones“ Audio below! This week Dave tackles a tough question that many Preppers have thought about. Only a few have done anything to ensure success with Prepper Leadership. If you are the leader of your group either by design or by simple happen stance you will want…
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December 24, 2017 1

Survival groups – Leadership and your role

Survival groups – Leadership and your role DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia” In the first two parts I spoke of survival groups and why part of one, the ABC’s of survival group and deciding to join or build one.  This week join me in talking about things to consider in leadership and what your roles and…
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June 2, 2016 0

Community preparedness, knowing neighbors!

Community preparedness, a great reason to make that initial contact with your neighbor. I think as a goal, a goal not just to get prepared but to better the American lifestyle we should push to meet a handful of our neighbors before the end of the year. Let’s take it even one step further. In…
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September 20, 2013 0