Tag: layers

Chicken breeds, which is right?

Chicken breeds, which is right? Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path” To Be or Not to Be-Chickens! Last we talked about whether you really should raise chickens or not, though they are relative easy to keep compared with other types of farm animals raising them isn’t a total walk in the park. Now that we’ve looked…
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April 13, 2015 0

Chickens, raising your own!

Chickens, raising your own! Host: MHPGardener “Best of Prepper Broadcasting” With the cost of eggs and chicken in the stores, and the uncertainty of exactly where they came from or what they have been fed, I’d like to start raising my own chickens. But unlike gardening, I know very little about chickens. I know barbecue…
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March 18, 2014 1