Tag: knowledge

Knowledge & Exchange

Knowledge & Exchange Ray Becker “This show” Audio player provided! I feel the need to change gears from what I’ve been covering to something that I believe is critical. Most of us were poorly educated and in fact, we were indoctrinated. This still goes on to this very day. When did this all go wrong?…
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July 12, 2017 0

The Legacy You Leave Behind!

When we think of leaving a legacy we may or may not think of what we do every single day. Leaving a legacy begins with teaching and passing on knowledge. Helping those who are closest to us to understand, learn and execute the skills, trades, crafts and knowledge that we implement and employ every single…
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July 25, 2013 0

The top 10 in must have food storage!

If you do nothing else what are the minimum items you should have in your food storage. Tonight on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” with BexarPrepper we will go over her list of must haves of food storage. What are your top 10? This hour BexarPrepper will devote the time to basic food preparations for the…
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January 8, 2013 0

Mutual Aid, fun and encouragement!

This Tuesday at 8:00pm/Central  “The Crooked Path to Preparedness” will be packed with fun and encouragement, as always.  The topic will be Mutual Aid and we are guest staring The MinnesotaPrepperGals aka Allen2045, PrepperChickie and Petprepper. These gals are not only talented they are a hoot and a holler! Sissy Bob asked them to be…
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September 24, 2012 0

Cerebral Preparedness – got books? Guides and resources!

For many the winter months are less hectic than the summer.  This is a good time to read-up on the prepper lifestyle and increase our knowledge.  It is said that knowledge is power and this will give us confidence as we continue living a lifestyle of preparedness.  This week Christine will continue with National Preparedness…
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September 22, 2012 0

Common sense ways to prepare, knowledge and experience!

Over the centuries, taking care of yourself and your family has fallen by the wayside to almost total dependence on others for our smallest of needs.  Most people are totally unprepared for any type of emergency. Join us on our journey, to re-educate and re-gain our independence towards self-sufficiency.  Together, we can decide what is important to us in…
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September 22, 2012 0

Challenges! You can Prep, you can be READY!

When faced with a challenge many believe it’s impossible! As Preppers we focus on the challenges of Prepping! Climbing Mt Everest; descending into the Marianas Trench; raising a child…All thought impossible by someone somewhere until THEY DID IT! Lynna’s guest on this episode of “The Other Side…A Preppers Path” is well known prepper, radio host, blogger, and author The Covert…
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August 16, 2012 0