Tag: items

What You Cannot Live Without!

What You Cannot Live Without! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! As survivalists and preppers its pretty common that we get asked or ask ourselves the question of what 5 things or what 10 things would you bring into the wilderness or whatever scenario. While there are some prepping items that must be…
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April 12, 2018 0

Workplace Preparedness and Uncommon EDC Items!

Workplace Preparedness and Uncommon EDC Items Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be talking about being prepared in the workplace. We all prepare to protect our families and I would hope that you all carry supplies and a medical kit in your vehicle. I know some of you carry…
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February 24, 2018 1

3 Expert Tips on How to Organize a Bug out Bag!

3 Expert Tips on How to Organize a Bug out Bag You have just bought your favorite Bug out Bag (BOB). We have even decided what to have in the BOB. The next thing is organizing it. Your main aim in organizing the bag is to improve accessibility, mobility, and weight. These three simple fundamentals…
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February 21, 2018 0

Gadgets & Gear needed to survive!

Gadgets & Gear needed to survive! Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided! In the event of something happening, what gadgets & gear do you have? What do you think you need? I will go over some of the items that we should consider for survival for convenience, or just for comfort. A lot…
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August 1, 2017 0

51 Items Most Preppers Forget to Add to Their BOBS

51 Items Most Preppers Forget to Add to Their BOBS If you’re relatively new to prepping and starting to gather supplies, you may be feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Don’t worry you are not alone. For the first two years that I was prepping, I felt like I really didn’t know what I was doing either. Other…
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March 19, 2017 8

50 Survival Items to Put in Your Kids Backpacks

50 Survival Items to Put in Your Kids Backpacks If you’re in a survival situation and you’re on foot, your own bug out bag is going to be all you can manage. If you’re a parent or grandparent responsible for children in a survival situation, you can’t possibly carry everything they will need. It’s going…
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January 31, 2017 0

10 Lightweight Items for Your Bug Out Bag

10 Lightweight Items for Your Bug Out Bag Every prepper knows that a well-equipped bug out bag can mean the difference between life and death during a natural disaster or SHTF scenario. The tendency is to want to stuff as much equipment as you can into your bug out bag just in case you need…
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July 2, 2016 0

Procure systems of redundancy!

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Two is One, and One is None”; so what steps have you taken to procure systems of redundancy in your plan?  Join us on air to lay out your steps to secure your future, and help open someone’s eyes to this necessity.  Whether it’s an extra magazine for an…
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May 13, 2013 0