Tag: IRS

Bartering Networks Being Establised Nationwide!

$16 Trillion dollars in national debt, High unemployment, NSA wiretapping, IRS targeting patriot groups, and a nation in decline.  All of these call for an urgent need to barter for both privacy and economic stability.  Find out how you can be a part of a growing nationwide bartering network as Tom and Catman of the…
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June 20, 2013 0

Orwell only got the year wrong! “Red Horse Unleashed”

“Red Horse Unleashed”, Ladies and Gentlemen.  Some of us saw this coming, Most did not. Now the “secret” is out and the only question is what to do about it. We have recently seen the IRS being used in ways that even J. Edgar Hoover might have shied away from.  We have long seen FISA…
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June 10, 2013 0

Deceit and corruption on GaltStrike!

IRS scandals, Benghazi-gate, lies, deceit and corruption.  On this episode of GaltStrike Tom and Catman discuss the news of the day, and what we can all do about it.  Phone lines will be open for general topics, so pull up a chair, tune in and join our round table discussion. Inspired by Ayn Rand’s book…
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June 6, 2013 0

Charlie in the Box: The American people have been under attack!

Charlie in the Box is all over the White house and the IRS, and what transpired in Benghazi. The cover-up’s by the media and the government from the white house on down. The American people have been under attack by their government with vaccines, chem-trails, and poison in our water. But now they went and…
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May 25, 2013 0

IRS, Bengazi, Obama care and Free Stuff!

On this episode of Galt Strike! Free stuff! Originally show was to include an open discussion, IRS, Bengazi, Obama care etc… Hey free stuff is good! Inspired by Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged and the Character John Galt. Our goal is to teach and share every possible “Legal” method of reducing and eliminating our tax…
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May 23, 2013 0

The White House, The IRS, and what transpired in Benghazi.

This week on Charlie in the Box will be about the White house and the IRS, and what transpired in Benghazi. The cover-up’s by the media and the government from the white house on down. The American people have been under attack by their government with vaccines, chem-trails, and poison in our water. But now…
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May 17, 2013 0

View Points – IRS, Tea Party, Boston, AP, Armed Revolution, Benghazi and more!

On “I Am Liberty” 5/17/2013 We are staring face to face with one of those big moments in history. This won’t go away by the end of the week so we are going to discuss them. IRS, Tea Party, Boston, AP, Armed Revolution, Benghazi. I would like to touch on a lot of these things…
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May 17, 2013 0