Tag: injury

Family First Aid on A Family Affair!

Family First Aid! Jordan “A Family Affair” Audio player provided in this post! Your out on a trip with your family and the unthinkable happens, someone in your group gets hurt. What if that someone is you? Do you know what to do? Do your children know what to do? If your bleeding or serious…
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August 5, 2018 0

Surviving with Sprains and Broken Bones

Surviving with Sprains and Broken Bones. When help is not on the way! Sprains and broken bones happen and they happen often. From a simple sprain to minor and compound fractures, injuries effecting mobility can be one of the lengthiest and most uncomfortable to overcome. Is it possible to treat and immobilize the injury long…
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June 6, 2018 0

Surviving Gangrene Post-SHTF

Surviving Gangrene Post-SHTF Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Please join me and my guest, Emergency Preparedness Instructor, Chuck Hudson, as we talk about one of the nastiest and life threatening conditions in a post-SHTF situation- gangrene. At one of Chuck’s recent classes, he had the opportunity to work with a woman

June 27, 2016 0