Tag: House Fire

House Fire Preparedness!

House Fire Preparedness! Fly away home your House is on Fire! Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! The weather outside is frightful but your home and hearth are warm and cozy, that is until the unthinkable happens and you are now the victim of a house fire!  The Christmas Season is not a…
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December 27, 2017 0

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live“ A couple of months ago, our smoke detectors went off. I didn’t think much about it at first, as they had only ever done that when one of their batteries was near dead. Then the doorbell rang, and the elderly man who lives…
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October 26, 2015 0