Tag: honey

Medicinal Honey & St. John’s Wort

Medicinal Honey & St. John’s Wort Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Continuing with our show from last week on medicinal honey and it’s wonderful medicinal properties, this week I will share with you some of my most favorite honey-based remedies. Learn how to use herbs to enhance honey for burn care, wound care, make homemade gummy candies,…
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May 21, 2018 0

Honey and the Healing Power!

Honey and the Healing Power! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Honey is truly ancient medicine. The first written reference to the medicinal use of honey is on a Sumerian tablet over 4000 years ago. Honey has been used medicinally ever since. Honey is useful for many conditions, including wounds, burns , and…
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May 14, 2018 0

7 Comfort Foods You Need to Stockpile Right Now

7 Comfort Foods You Need to Stockpile Right Now! I’m just gonna go ahead and say it: comfort foods should not be stored for your own comfort only. They make excellent post-collapse bartering items. Most of them require no cooking, only a good storage place. The only thing you need to consider is the shelf…
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May 11, 2015 0

The Best Beekeeping Show Ever!

The Best Beekeeping Show Ever! Host: Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” This week on the Lil’ Suburban Homestead show 3 Beekeepers! Troy Marino a commercial beekeeper from the Bayou, Brent Wesley a commercial beekeeper from Akron, Ohio and the Viking in Karen Lynn’s life Eric Thompson, a backyard beekeeper in coastal North Carolina. 3 Beekeepers – 3 Perspectives –…
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March 3, 2015 0

Herbal Burn Care!

Herbal Burn Care Why You Need to Know How to Treat Burns Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” If you are preparing to function as the health/medical person in your family or mutual support group, caring for burns must be part of your training. Burns are wounds. And while first degree burns (usually sunburns)…
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September 21, 2014 0

The Healing Power of Honey!

The Healing Power of Honey Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Honey is truly ancient medicine. The first written reference to the medicinal use of honey is on a Sumerian tablet over 4000 years ago. Honey has been used medicinally ever since. Honey is useful for many conditions, including wounds, burns , and some of…
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May 18, 2014 0

Beekeeping and the rewards!

Bee keeping and the rewards (part1) Hosts: Nick and Don “We Grow Ours” WeGrowOurs is dedicating this show to the furry little flying critters that allow all of us to grow our own food! Bees are an amazing super-organism that not only provide the nectar of the gods, but allow us to grow our food! These little…
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May 5, 2014 0

The Basics of Making Herbal Formulas

The Basics of Making Herbal Formulas Host: Cat Ellis “The Herbal Prepper Live” Herbal remedies are a severely underutilized resource by preppers. Plant-based remedies provide an easy, affordable, and renewable alternative for post-collapse medicines. Herbs, mushrooms, trees, and other natural items, like honey, provide a wealth of traditional remedies that you can make and grow…
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April 6, 2014 2

Herbal and Home Remedies with the Honey’s

When I was a little girl, seldom did we go to the doctor, use medications bought in the store or even antibiotics! I was 11 before I got infected tonsils and had penicillin for the first time. Personally I think antibiotics are WAY over used. So if we didn’t use all these things what DID…
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April 11, 2013 0

The virtues of raising honey bees!

The Top Bar coming your way 1/27/13.  It’s a (BYOB) Bring your own bottle affair because we are talking about that sweet elixir HONEY! That’s right Christy Hemenway of Gold Star Honey Bees joins the Other Side of A Preppers Path once again to talk about the virtues of raising honey bees and answer your questions.…
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January 27, 2013 0

Outside the box for Successful Preppers!

Outside the box! Successful Preppers always think outside the box! Join the Other Side of a Preppers Path this show accomplished beekeeper, teacher and author Christy Hemenway shares Bee Keeping outside the box! You’d love bees and honey but isn’t commercial bee keeping expensive and tough to learn? No worries let Christy help you out of the…
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August 1, 2012 0

Honey Bees on a Preppers Path!

Bee-keeper, teacher, equipment manufacture and all round bee person Christy Hemenway of Gold Star HoneyBees joins Lynna on this episode of The Other Side…A Preppers Path. Christy is the owner of Gold Star HoneyBees , she makes top bar hives, hive kits and teaches beekeeping classes  using top bar hives. A regular contributor to MotherEarth News, TED,…
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June 12, 2012 0