Self Reliance and Independence!
Self Reliance and Independence James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below! On this episode of the I AM Liberty Show we have a person on who is living the Self Reliance and Independence life in many ways. Joe Primm is a Homesteader, Christian, father and a man who appreciates what it means to…
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A True Homesteader!
A True Homesteader! Host: Bobby “MHP Gardner There is a lot of interest in being self-sufficient these days. People are looking for information on how to grow and store their own food, provide their own meats, go off-grid with solar setups… get out of the system so to speak. We see a lot of these…
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Who is Survivor Jane?
Who is Survivor Jane? Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Jane is city-girl turned prepper/homesteader – moving to the Appalachian Mountains from Central Florida. She is the creator and editor of the disaster survival and preparedness website www.SurvivorJane.com Her mission has become educating people on how to better prepare themselves by sharing her experiences and research…
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Micro Homesteading & Frugal Living!
Micro Homesteading & Frugal Living with Tiffany Davis At Imperfectly Happy Host: Karen Lynn “Lil Suburban Homestead” Join Karen Lynn this Tuesday night at 9pm eastern as she interviews Tiffany Davis of Imperfectly Happy.com. Tiffany is a “micro homesteader” with a backyard farm. She is a wife, mother to 4, homeschooler and blogger. She is…
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Interview with Karen Lynn “Lil’ surban Homestead”
Interview with Karen Lynn “Li’l Suburban Homestead” Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” This episode, we are talking with Karen Lynn Thompson and her husband, “The Viking”, from Li’l Suburban Homestead. Homesteader, beekeeper, and fellow Prepper Broadcasting podcaster, Karen Lynn is owner of Lil’ Suburban Homestead and has been featured on Scratch Magazine, Prepare Magazine, just…
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20 Tell Tale Signs Your A farm Girl!
20 Tell Tale Signs Your A farm Girl! Host: KarenLynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead” Can you drive past a farmers market without stopping? Do you have an addiction to gardening magazines? Karen Lynn shares these and more in the “20 Telltale Signs That You’re A Farm Girl” and also shares some exciting shows that were formerly…
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Agriscaping, Homesteading, & Backyard Food Production!
Agriscaping, Homesteading, & Backyard Food Production! Hosts: Don, Nick, Bobby, & Sam We have Monday and Tuesday covered with three great shows you won’t want to miss. Monday 9pm/Est. 8pm/Ct. 6pm/Pt. “We Grow Ours” starts us off with Don and Nick on “Agriscaping”! Agriscaping? That is not a word.. Oh, but it is, and it is amazing!…
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Homestead Bliss: Balancing all that weight on your shoulders
On this episode of the Homestead Honey Hour: Balancing all that weight on your shoulders with Renée aka MichiganSnowPony Chances are, if you homestead, you also engage in several (or even all) of the following activities: Work off-farm, have a family, take care of livestock, keep a large garden, preserve and put up your own…
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First-hand accounts about the life of a true homesteader!
There is a lot of interest in being self-sufficient these days. People are looking for information on how to grow and store their own food, provide their own meats, go off-grid with solar setups… get out of the system so to speak. We see a lot of these things in videos and on TV, and…
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Hunting, homesteading, knives or just being self reliant?
Questions about hunting, homesteading, knives or just being self reliant? We’ve got your answers as Dan Coppins a co-founder of both Self Reliance Illustrated and Blind Horse Knives joins Lynna on The Other Side of a Preppers Path Thursday Oct 4th 7pm eastern. Dan an experienced hunter, homesteader and expert in self reliance will be live…
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