Tag: home remedies

Herbal and Home Remedies with the Honey’s

When I was a little girl, seldom did we go to the doctor, use medications bought in the store or even antibiotics! I was 11 before I got infected tonsils and had penicillin for the first time. Personally I think antibiotics are WAY over used. So if we didn’t use all these things what DID…
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April 11, 2013 0

MrsVolfie and favorite home remedies on The Prepper Broadcasting Network!

MrsVolfie of The Homestead Honey Hour takes the lead and the discussion is favorite home remedies and wild herbals medicine. With calls into the show and a large number of preppers in the chat room many favorite home remedy recipes were shared! Personally I have never heard of so many different cures for different ailments that can…
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July 12, 2012 0

A Natural Approach to Prepper Family Care!

A great post with many home remedies! These are my favorite remedies / products — the ones I consider indispensable for a natural family first-aid kit. All of the remedies are available at any well-stocked health-food store and by mail-order. Be sure to buy pure essential oils, not fragrance oils. To prevent breakage, wrap glass…
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December 18, 2011 0