Tag: Holiday Gifts

Herbal Gifts Handmade!

Herbal Gifts Handmade! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Listen in player below! Calling all DIYers! Want some ideas for frugal, quick-to-make holiday gifts? You still have time to to make loads of handmade, natural, herbal gifts. Be sure to listen to Herbal Prepper Live this Sunday to learn how.

October 23, 2017 0

Holiday Gifts, Odds and Ends!

Holiday Gifts, Odds and Ends! I thought instead on one general theme, I would touch on several different things today. It’s fast approaching holiday time and it shows in all the markets. I enjoy baking for the holidays and giving holiday gifts of of food to people. This is a great thing to do and if…
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October 22, 2015 0