Tag: herbs

Herbal Medicine 101, Lesson 28: Goldenrod with Judson Carrol

In this lesson I discuss the many medicinal uses of Goldenrod… which most people blame for their allergies, but isn’t the cause. Read about my new book, Look Up: The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist’s Guide: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2021/06/paypal-safer-easier-way-to-pay-online.html Click here to read about The Herbs and Weeds of Fr. Johannes Künzle: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2021/05/announcing-new-book-herbs-and-weeds-of.html Blog:…
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May 19, 2022 0

Medicinal Honey & St. John’s Wort

Medicinal Honey & St. John’s Wort Host: Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Continuing with our show from last week on medicinal honey and it’s wonderful medicinal properties, this week I will share with you some of my most favorite honey-based remedies. Learn how to use herbs to enhance honey for burn care, wound care, make homemade gummy candies,…
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May 21, 2018 0

Lyme Disease Part 2

Lyme Disease Part 2 Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This show picks up where we left off last week in a series on herbs and Lyme disease. We will talk more about various herbs for Lyme, as well as Lyme coinfections. Check out last week’s description (below) for more about this series.…
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April 16, 2018 0

The Herbal Prepper on A Preppers Path

The Herbal Prepper on A Preppers Path! Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” The so dubbed Prepper Movement has opened eyes in every sector of society, from wealthy to poor, the environmentalist to the throw away aficionado.  In some way each of us has or is thinking about doing things differently.  Being more…
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March 28, 2018 0

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out

Mental Health When the Med’s Run Out! Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper REWIND” Audio player below! Could you manage depression, anxiety, ADHD, or bi-polar disorder after a disaster? You probably know someone close to you with one of the conditions listed above, because a significant percentage of Americans are on anti-psychotic prescriptions. These drugs are linked…
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March 26, 2018 0

Discovering or Rediscovering Herbs part 2!

Discovering or Rediscovering Herbs part 2! Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! The world without herbs would be sadly lacking. Their versatile uses make them an intrinsic part of everyday life. Last week in part one we looked at a little bit of history finding that the herb has assisted mankind since prehistoric times,…
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February 28, 2018 0

Surviving the Flu with Herbs!

Surviving the Flu with Herbs Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Need an herbal survival guide for the flu? Herbal Prepper Live has you covered. This week’s show is all about influenza, the H3N2 strain, and herbal remedies for the flu. This episode covers:

February 19, 2018 0

Discovering or Rediscovering Herbs!

Discovering or Rediscovering Herbs! Host: Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided! Our relationship with the herb reaches back thousands of years and at one time herbs were an essential part of life. We used them to preserve food as well as make foods more nourishing. We used them for medicinal purposes and for religious…
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February 14, 2018 0

Prepping with Arthritis!

Prepping with Arthritis Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! This week’s show is all about arthritis and what you can do for a back up plan in case the pharmacy shelves were empty. How Arthritis Can Slow Preppers Down! Arthritis can leave us with painful knees, hands, and neck. The joint pain of…
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January 22, 2018 0

Hypertension after an EMP!

Hypertension after an EMP Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! On this Herbal Prepper Live episode Cat  explores herbal alternatives for hypertension management when there is no access to blood pressure drugs. With growing concerns over North Korea attacking the US mainland with an EMP, millions of people would be left without a…
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December 18, 2017 0

Respiratory Rescue Herbs!

Respiratory Rescue Herbs Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! On this episode I’m talking about serious remedies for serious respiratory infections. I’ve been horridly sick, and I want to share with you what has worked to get over it, as well as to get some comfort from brutal flu and bronchitis symptoms.

November 13, 2017 1

Fallout and Radiation Sickness!

Fallout and Radiation Sickness Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below! Learn how to protect yourself from fallout and radiation sickness and how herbal medicine may help in this week’s episode of Herbal Prepper Live. This issue came up during last week’s “Ask Cat” show. I had some information about blue-green algae, but promised…
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September 4, 2017 0

7 Herbs and Natural Supplements for Depression

7 Herbs and Natural Supplements for Depression In the modern day, there are numerous ways to treat depression.  More and more of us are seeking natural and holistic solutions, encouraged by their efficiency and absence of damaging side effects.  Here are 7 great herbs and natural supplements that have been scientifically shown to combat depression:

July 15, 2017 0