Tag: healthy

Goshen, reveals how to establish healthy, sustainable community, despite global disease and famine.

What would you be willing to do to prove a point?  Would you be willing to take off your shoes, and go barefoot for as long as it takes to achieve your goal? Dana Richardson and Sarah Zentz, probably best known for their work as a production team on the Back to Eden movie with…
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February 7, 2013 0

A highly nutritional salad 365 days a year!

Join Paladin Prepper on “The Paladin Prepper Report” for this week’s ‘Prepper Point’… “Power House Salad 365″. If you’re someone who would love to have a fresh, healthy salad every day, but live in a situation where you don’t have land to grow a garden… then THIS is the show for you! Stuck in a…
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December 13, 2012 0