Tag: Healing


TEOTWAWKI~ A New World! Host: Lynna “…A Preppers Path” TEOTWAWKI is a term often bandied about and usually has a pretty scary meaning. BUT what if you could change your life today, your world, creating a solution based TEOTWAWKI, the way we want it. Imagine your world the way you want it, now, a life…
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October 20, 2013 0

Herbal Medicine, Origins of Modern Medicine!

Herbal Medicine and the origins of what we know today as Modern Medicine and the difference between the two. This week, on Pet Prep Radio we welcome guest Dr. Kal Sellers, DC, MH: Founder of SVHC, aka “The Mad Herbalist”, to discuss Herbal Medicine, Modern Medicine and the difference between the two. We also get down…
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September 17, 2013 0

Cancer and Disease, Medicinal Hemp/Cannabis Oil part 3

Can this oil really heal people and pets with cancer and many health issues? Learn how important the Hemp Cannabis Plant really is THE ANSWER to restoring the well-being of the planet: environment, health and industry. Rick Simpson joins Sheri, “The Organic Pet Lady” again for the third part of the series on the Pet…
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July 30, 2013 1

Energy that can be used for healing!

Tonight’s Show: Pathways to Conscious Living! Saturday 10/22/2011 8:30pm/Central On this week’s show we will be discussing more on the different types of energy that can be used for healing and personal development. Our hosts will discuss the different types of energies, their ‘textures’ and usage in healing, and how to draw in specific energies…
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October 22, 2011 0

Saturday 10/15/2011 8:30pm/Central “Pathways to Conscious Living”

Pathways to Conscious Living explores healing. Is there a lesson in the pain? Charlene Wells of EnergyPlay.info talks about and shares healing techniques on this show. Is complete healing possible and is modern medicine the only answer? Join us for this enlightening show and release the pain. Saturday 10/15/2011 8:30pm/Central…Go to Listen and Chat tab…
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October 14, 2011 0