Tag: guns

Top 5 Best Anti-Carjacking Guns !

Top 5 Best Anti-Carjacking Guns Carjacking is any pugnacious attempt at stealing an occupied vehicle.  Thousands of carjackings occur in the United States each year, and if you don’t want to become another victim, keeping a gun in your car at all times is the best option possible. 

April 2, 2017 3

Best Guns for Preppers and Survivalist!

Best Guns for Preppers and Survivalist… Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! Join Kyle and Forrest as they talk guns for defense. As American diplomacy, politics, and society falls apart anyone with a sane mind should be considering owning a gun and preparing for a WROL (with rule of law) America.…
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February 25, 2017 0

Gun Safety For Preppers!

Gun Safety For Preppers James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio in player below! As preppers, we have a very real responsibility. We are gun owners (or better be) and how we conduct ourselves is very important. Though it may be easy to forget the Newtown Massacre was conducted using the prepper mother’s guns. This is…
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January 5, 2017 0

Survival Skills and Hands on Training!

Survival Skills and Hands on Training! James Walton “I Am Liberty” From bush craft to natural medicines and even good old fashioned self defense. Tonight on I Am Liberty we have Sam Coffman. The man behind www.thehumanpath.com, in my opinion, the most comprehensive survival school in the country. There is no substitute for on the…
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June 12, 2015 0

Guns Movies & Facebook

Guns, Movies & Facebook Hosts: Don & Nick “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have a casual conversation.. Yup, that’s it, that is the show this week. No guests, nothing fancy. We chat about everything from Facebook posts to some of our upcoming events. We start off with a…
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June 24, 2014 0

Of Knives and Guns!

Of Knives and Guns on The Human Path: Buying, caring for and using knives and guns can be overwhelming to a lot of people. Learning enough practical information about these very important tools and weapons before making a purchase can help save a lot of money and frustration. Join Sam Coffman as he discusses several points…
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September 25, 2013 1

Considerations and options for emergency situation fire arms!

Join us on “Preparing For Life’s Storms” January 29th at 8 pm central time where we will be discussing considerations and options for emergency situation fire arms with Dustin. He will be approaching this topic from more of a statistical and factual point of view for shtf situations. Personal preference will always be a factor,…
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January 29, 2013 0

We have renewed assaults on our guns, liberties, wealth, and our persons. Is 2013 the Year of the Tyrant?

It’s New Year’s Eve and “The Preppers Poitin Hour” with your host Chris is not gonna venture out into the streets tonight.  Bring a drink and let us sit back and look at what the New Year may bring.  We have renewed assaults on our guns, liberties, wealth, and our persons. Is 2013 the Year…
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December 31, 2012 1

Are Preppers Being Watched?

By: Aj Prepper Everywhere you look today, you hear about the war on terrorism.  Do we really understand what they are looking for?  Do we really know what criteria they use to describe the people they flag as possible threats?  Do you think people that prep are among those that could be targeted?  These are…
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September 10, 2012 0

Let’s Talk Guns with Sissy Bob!

This airing on“The Crooked Path to Practical Preparedness!” Let’s Talk Guns!  Sissy Bob had her alter ego, Christine from Gals-n-guns, on to talk about guns and accessories. Christine is a handgun instructor and teaches basic handgun skills and Concealed Handgun License classes. Christine says she ain’t no expert but she’ll share what she does know…
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July 23, 2012 0

In Time of Disaster! Survival and Hunting weapons

In this episode of “In Time of Disaster” Karen visits with special guest, Kurt Wilson, the Armchair Survivalist for a great discussion on Firearms and Security in a post disaster world. From target and small caliber rifles to high power hunting, combat rifles and side arms. Both Karen and Kurt are experts in the field…
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June 2, 2012 0

Ebbs joins Mr. Smith, more on guns and archery!

Put bullet in gun, aim, and fire. Yep, you now know what I know. Actually I know just a bit more having grown up an avid hunter but much of this information, just a little over my head. For many in chat and many preppers as well this was a hot topic. Guns should be…
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April 14, 2012 0

Guns! Not meant for everyone!

Gun classes and getting the proper permits is always a good idea. As Preppers and American citizens we also have the right to bear arms. Should this include everyone? As you will see in this ad from Keller’s Riverside store, there are opinions that guns are not meant for everyone.

October 26, 2011 1