Tag: Government

Drones in US Skies and Loss of Privacy

The FAA is working hard to create and approve new rules for the use of drone spy aircraft in the United States. The media is working hard to convince the American public that they should accept the new invasion of privacy and are claiming privacy needs to be forfeited for security. Surveillance drones to be…
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November 29, 2011 0

You could have heard a pin drop.

At a time when our president and other politicians tend to apologize for our country’s prior actions, here’s a refresher on how some of our former patriots handled negative comments about our country. JFK’S Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60’s when DeGaulle decided to pull out of NATO. DeGaulle…
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November 28, 2011 0

A young couple, not preppers, getting by!

A young couple, not preppers, getting by! As the young couple sit down to their breakfast of steak, eggs, hash browns, toast and milk they were able to get with food stamps and their government wick program the previous day, the boyfriend looks across to his girlfriend and says: Honey, lets change things up just…
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November 22, 2011 0

The most “SHOCKING” guest we have ever had on Prepper Broadcasting.

On (((Ranters Radio))) we have brought you some amazing guests. From Cutting edge Authors to Secret Government Agents! On Nov 9th 6pm PST on www.preppersbroadcastinmg.com we will bring you the most “SHOCKING” guest we have ever had. Someone we all thought no longer existed. Brace yourselves as we bring to you “LIVE” … a teenager…
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November 9, 2011 0

(((Ranters Radio))) Wednesday 8:00pm/Central

Tired of Obama? Sick of media coverage of Chaz Bone? Just generally fed up with the direction things are headed? Everybody heard about California passing the tanning booth ban, but did you hear about Gov. Brown signing the Open Carry Gun ban? I Didn’t think so…  Lets talk about it on (((Ranters Radio))) On this weeks show…
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October 11, 2011 0

Independence Day Quiz

The 4th of July is the time when we celebrate our nation– a time to reflect on the freedoms which we believe are not granted by our government, but are self-evident rights for all humankind.  Time for the Independence Day Quiz which asks,  “How much do you really know?” Take the Quiz Go Here

October 3, 2011 0

You’ve got to be kidding me!

Original post by Kimmer17 on APN. I know a lot of us don’t advertise that we are preppers. For one, each of us have our own personal reasons and we’re simply not in the mood to discuss them publicly. Another main reason is that for those that choose to sit on their butts and not…
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September 13, 2011 0

Reagan responds to Obama and his supporters

The following video I seen on the site http://porchpatrol.com/ A family oriented site helping and supporting families in the recovery of missing children. A lot of great  forum topics, Single Mom’s, Single Dads, Things My Parents Never Told Me About, Grandparents, Stay at Home Moms, Raising Children

September 7, 2011 0

Tonight: Tyler with United Shooters and our Second Amendment rights!

Tyler with United Shooters Association is on board with us tonight 8/26/2011 8:00pm/Central to share what he does in an effort to protect our rights to bear arms. His mission is to be the “middle man”  between you and the organizations which fight for your second amendment rights. He created the United Shooters association for…
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August 26, 2011 0

The Waterman Files! Be Prepared, Be Aware

From the moment he closes out a show on this network Dr. Waterman’s new week begins. He is driven to find the facts, and information you will not see on the evening news or in your local newspaper. Spending countless hours throughout the week researching and studying his vast expanse of resources you can be…
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August 23, 2011 0

Monday 8/15/2011 The Armchair Survivalist!

Monday: 8:00pm/Central He can help you stay safe, well fed and healthy. Kurt will help you handle nearly anything that does, or could, lower your ability to survive. If he doesn’t know the answer to…Go to Listen and Chat tab above for details.

August 15, 2011 0