Tag: garden

Preparing For Life’s Storms!

Another Premier Debut on American Preppers Radio! “Preparing For Life’s Storms” with BexarPrepper! Tonight, 7/3/2012 8:00pm/Central on “Preparing For Life’s Storms”! Have you been watching the prices in the grocery store, as the product packages shrink? What’s the answer? Grow your own produce. Every gardening question you ever wanted to ask but no one to…
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July 3, 2012 1

Ways you can effect changes on “The Preppers Poitin Hour”

Tired of the same old-same old? Want to change your life and world now? Well let us look at ways YOU can effect changes that can have short term pay-offs AND send a message to the powers that be that YOU will not live in fear and that you are going to control your own…
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June 11, 2012 0

SkyBird and GoatHollow! nano technology to chickens

“SkyBird” from Youtube joins Doug on Prepping With Goat Hollow. SkyBird is a Youtuber and prepper from way back. Topics were prepper related including everything from nano technology that is becoming as important an issue to pay attention to as G.M.O..  A little canning was discussed as well as some great information on chickens, goats…
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May 30, 2012 0

Karen, Chris, DB, Gman and others join in on livestock and gardens!

Friday’s show “Living off the land” Part Two did not go exactly in line with show description that was posted but maybe for the better. With the input of the hosts and the callers including myself a lot of great information, tips, and ideas were put forth. A good time was had talking about the…
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May 11, 2012 0

Living off the land “In Time of Disaster”

Living off the land– Your food supplies are diminishing, how are you going to replace the supplies? This is one of the more important subjects that Karen and Chris will tackle as they discuss all of your choices from farming to hunting and how to prepare and preserve all of the food you have so…
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May 4, 2012 0

The Honeys and a potpourri of prepping!

You can’t tell me it wasn’t a good time. While a few of the topics were serious such as GMO and there effects. Having all four of the Honeys on air brought quite a few laughs as well. There was a few recipe questions fielded but also a little garden, talk on new Youtubes to…
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May 3, 2012 0