Tag: garden


Katzcradul had so many great comments about last weeks show…listeners wishing she would share more.  She heard you, and she going to do a second installment. This week on the Homestead Honey Hour, she will continue her look back on last years’ growing season, acknowledging both the defeats and the victories.  Every year, the garden…
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June 6, 2013 0

Feeding your soil for a successful garden!

Feeding your soil is the most important aspect of successful gardening.  Chemical fertilizers are not only an unnatural way of boosting nutrients, but also a very temporary solution, as nutrients are often quickly lost.  Compost, also know and gardeners’ black gold, will not only help add nutrients to your soil, but also help retain them…
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May 4, 2013 0


Join Katzcradul this week on The Homestead Honey Hour as she looks back on last years’ growing season, acknowledging both the defeats and the victories.  Every year, the garden has its challenges, but last year they abounded.  She will discuss what she learned, and the changes she’ll be making this year, based on her experiences…
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May 2, 2013 0

Mater and Tater on self sustainability!

You asked for it so here it is! Join Mater and Tater tonight 9:00pm/Eastern 8:00pm/Central 6:00pm/Pacific for a fun and informative hour as they combine their extensive knowledge on all things relevant to a self sustaining lifestyle in this final hour of the month. Who is Mater and Tater? Rest assured you know them and…
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April 30, 2013 0

Worm Farm with Paula, some great info and a lot of fun!

Lots of people have worm farms because worms help plants and other living things such as: food for birds. Worms soften the soil for the trees so water can get into the ground easier and can reach the tree roots. If you want to have a healthier self-sustaining garden joins BexarPrepper on Preparing For Life’s Storms…
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April 16, 2013 1

Edible Forest Garden

Imagine yourself in a forest where everything around you is either food or medicine!  you have to look carefully, but if you do, you find fruits and nuts swelling with ripeness on the branches all around you!  Because it’s so well hidden, “Zombie hoards” pass by without noticing.  Pears, apples, persimmons, plums, almonds, and peaches…
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March 20, 2013 0

Greenhouse gardening, this is what I’m talking about!

Times are tough, and getting tougher by the day. The proverbial handwriting is on the wall. In order to survive in an uncertain future, we need to be finding more ways to grow our own food. For many of us, that means a garden. But what happens if a storm wipes out your garden? What happens…
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March 12, 2013 1

Peggy Layton a home economist and licensed nutritionist!

Can you think of anyone better to talk to about long-termfood storage than someone who’s a home economist and licensed nutritionist, has written a series of books on the subject, and has raised seven children utilizing her food storage?  She’s out of debt, grows a huge garden, lives off the land, raises chickens, preserves her…
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March 7, 2013 2

Rick Austin, the author of Secret Garden of Survival and Medicinal Gardens!

The Doom and Bloom(tm) Hour with Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones, brings you a very interesting and important interview with Rick Austin, the author of Secret Garden of Survival and active permaculturist in North Carolina. Nurse Amy will continue her Medicinal Garden series with Part 2. Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones are focused on medical…
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February 3, 2013 0

It’s time to start planning your garden!

This Saturday on “The Prepared Canadian“, with snow levels measured in feet and temperatures reaching the minus 30 range, I thought this would be a great time to start talking about this year’s garden.  No, I’m not completely off my rocker with cabin fever!  There is actually very little time left to start thinking about…
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January 19, 2013 0

We are prepared and no one goes hungry on the mountain!

I was asked if I would write an article on “Prepping and Self-Reliance in Northern Idaho”. I laughed and replied, “But I can’t write!” However, truth be told, writing is one of my many passions. Mushroom hunting is another. I love being out in the great outdoors…exploring, treasure hunting, taking in the fresh air and…
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December 20, 2012 1

Genetically Modified Seeds: Your garden and your food, what you need to know.

During my last show “Preparing to Provide“, where I was discussing seed types, I ran out of time and was unable to cover GM or Genetically Modified seeds. The topic of GMO (genetically modified organism) is one that most people have a very strong opinion about. With the failure of California to pass Prop 37,…
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November 16, 2012 0

Tips from Australia and New Zealand on gardening!

It’s 5:00 somewhere as the country music song goes!!!  It’s also Spring in Australia and New Zealand.  Join me, and my guest “Hamish121212″ from Youtube on “Prepping with GoatHollow“.  He’s planting his garden right now!  LOL.  He’ll talk about how the climate is different there, and dealing with that.  Give us a little hope for…
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November 14, 2012 0