Tag: Game

Rules of the game Rules for Radicals

Rules of the game part 10 Rules for Radicals Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we finish the review of Saul Alinsky’s book ‘Rules for Radicals’. This text reveals his radicals theories and practices regarding the empowerment of the disenfranchised. For this episode, his ideas…
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September 11, 2018 0

Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8

Battlefield America 15 The rules of the game part 8 Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! This week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines continues the review of ‘Rules for Radicals’ – a foundational text for activism written by Saul Alinsky. While previous episodes focus upon theory and training, this episode explores the implementation…
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August 28, 2018 0

Battlefield America 14 The rules of the game part 7!

Battlefield America 14 The rules of the game part 7 Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, the probe of the premier activist ‘how-to’ book enters the next phase. While previous episodes discuss attributes and skills, this episode explores introducing the activist to the situation. Successfully…
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August 21, 2018 0

Battlefield America 13 The rules of the game part 6

Battlefield America 13 The rules of the game part 6 Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of the premier activist ‘how-to’ book. While last week emphasizes the list of talents/traits necessary for these activists, this episode focuses upon the skill that…
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August 14, 2018 0

Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3

Battlefield America 10 The rules of the game part 3! Allen Getz “Behind The Headlines” Audio player below! For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the study of particular writings which influence conduct in our current political climate. A review of this material provides a necessary understanding of these societal behaviors. Accordingly,…
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July 24, 2018 0

Battlefield America 8 The rules of the game

Battlefield America 8 The rules of the game! Allen Getz ” Behind The Headlines ” Audio player below! On this episode of Behind the Lines, we will begin a probe of the tactics used by those antagonistic toward a conservative political philosophy. This examination centers upon specific teachings and reading material used by those fanning…
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July 10, 2018 0


KING OF THE WORLD!! James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below! Did you ever wonder what it would be like to control the game board of life? What would you do if you ad the power to make or remake the rules. We see the aggressive, regressive and radical left wing pushing towards these…
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April 5, 2018 0

G.O.O.D. Game Bugging Out!

G.O.O.D. Game Bugging Out! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! Do you remember the fun you had as a family while playing a good game of Monopoly or Sorry? We all remember that one family member who made a spectacle of yelling ‘Yahtzee’ at the dinner table. Playing board games with friends and family…
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February 10, 2018 0

Interactive Fun Prepper Night with “Conflicted”

Interactive Fun Prepper Night with “Conflicted” Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below! On this episode of “The Prepping  Academy” join host Forrest and Kyle for a little bit of interactive fun. We take a small break from all the regular programming to dig deeper in to the minds of the host by…
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April 1, 2017 0

Don’t Lose the Mental Game!

Don’t Lose the Mental Game Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Preppers and survivalists, I have a vital message that a lot of you won’t want to hear: It is imperative that you keep your head in the game and keep calm. I know, with all the signs of increased terror activity, the shenanigans of

July 18, 2016 0

Hunting, more than a sport!

Why I Started Hunting James Walton “I Am Liberty” Standing on the edge of summer it’s easy to look off the cliff and see into the dark dismal valley of winter. I hate winter. Still, the holidays that come along with it make it bearable. Then of course there is hunting. I am no seasoned…
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September 4, 2015 0

The Minds of Preppers, Jump Inside!

The Minds of Preppers Host: Dave Womack “The Gun Show” Are you prepared?  I mean really prepared?  Most survivalists will prep for everything from economic collapse to nuclear war.  We’re all guilty of buying this new gun, that new solar oven, or this new machine gun and that underground bunker… But what about the most important prep…
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February 10, 2014 0

Conflicted The Game!

Conflicted The Game! Host: Dave Womach “The Gun Show” Have you ever really thought through the different scenarios you may have to face if and when the SHTF? I don’t mean simply talking about it, but rather, really truly debating the scenarios? Let me elaborate… Imagine this scenario: You have your food storage in place,…
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November 11, 2013 2