Tag: gadgets

Gadgets & Gear needed to survive!

Gadgets & Gear needed to survive! Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio player provided! In the event of something happening, what gadgets & gear do you have? What do you think you need? I will go over some of the items that we should consider for survival for convenience, or just for comfort. A lot…
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August 1, 2017 0

Top Prepper Gadget Christmas Gifts

Top Prepper Gadget Christmas Gifts Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Audio in player below! Are you a technology nut like me? If so this is the show for you! I will be giving the best list of pepper type gadgets that would make the perfect gifts. These are gifts for those like minded individuals that…
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November 22, 2016 0

SERE or Micro Kits!

SERE or Micro Kits, Why Everyone Needs One! Josh “The 7 P’s of Survival” It’s been awhile since I’ve had a show where I could sit down and just talk to you about things I personally do and things from my kit. Tonight we are going to change that as I will be the guest…
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November 11, 2015 0

What are your EDC Gadgets?

What is your EDC Gadgets? Highlander “Tech Preps” This episode I will talk about edc gadgets, what is your favorite edc? We all look at bug out bags, or get home bags, but what about our edc? We use edc items more than any other thing we own, so why not make it practical and…
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September 28, 2015 0

Sci-Fi Prepper Inventions!

Sci-Fi Prepper Inventions! DirtyLew & Highlander “Tech Preps” Have you ever wondered where the ideas for these gadgets we use today came from? Have you ever owned a “Flip Phone?” Ever watched Star Trek created by Gene Rodenberry? Are you familiar with Jules Verne or Edward Bellamy? They are among many that have inspired our imagination with their…
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June 20, 2015 0

The importance of skills over gadgets and what’s on everyone’s minds right now $$.

Preppers aren’t all Doomsday Preppers and it’s actually a much more practical option than most realize. Main keys are to NOT become overwhelmed by the media’s frenzied attempts to make prepping appear something it isn’t, and that it’s ok to start now, don’t worry that someone else has been at it for years. Charley and Courtney of  Ready Go…
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January 13, 2013 0