Tag: fuel

Properly storing fuel for the Apocalypse!

Properly storing fuel for the Apocalypse! Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! This week we are going to be talking about some of the common techniques for storing fuel. This topic has been covered before, but it bears repeating since tornado is starting and hurricane season isn’t that far off. In this show, we…
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March 31, 2018 0

Distill Your Own Fuel, Ethanol to Alcohol!

Distill Your Own Fuel, Ethanol to Alcohol! Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” Can you make your own fuel – at home? “Make Your Own Fuel! Alcohol Fuel Basics What if there were a fuel that was affordable, renewable, and produced right in your own community? If you’d lived 100 years ago, you would…
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February 14, 2017 0

Cooking with wax! The Ark Stove

Cooking with wax! The Ark Stove James Walton “I Am Liberty” Many of you have come to enjoy my hour long commentary once a week. You know its seldom I bring someone on the show as a guest. Frankly, I guard our time together selfishly. Also nothing bothers me more than listening to a carni…
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June 11, 2016 0

Alcohol for gas!

Alcohol for gas! Host Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” This week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have David Blume on the show talking about Alcohol as a fuel! This is a really informative show has us thinking! Did you know you could run your car on Alcohol the way is…
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November 10, 2014 0

Ethanol to Alcohol, Distill Your Own!

Ethanol to Alcohol, Distill Your Own! Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours” Can you make your own fuel – at home? “Make Your Own Fuel! Alcohol Fuel Basics What if there were a fuel that was affordable, renewable, and produced right in your own community? If you’d lived 100 years ago, you would have…
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March 31, 2014 0

The Economy on The Preppers Poitin Hour!

What commodity or other economic signs or tea leaves do you monitor in the course of your prepping? Are you watching the retail price of fuel? Milk? Electricity?  Are you looking for shortages of fresh fruit? Meat? Grains?  Let us look for signs of impending crisis and decide what we will do at certain price…
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July 10, 2012 0

What do you know about StoveTec Stoves?

Pine cones, sticks, coconut shells, bark chips, and most anything else that’s handy in the yard is all you need in one of these stoves and not very much of it. Cook for 45 minutes or an hour with just a few sticks. This is what StoveTec Stoves are all about, efficiency! Todd Albi, Managing…
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May 16, 2012 0