Tag: fruits

Grid Down Figgy Pudding

Grid Down Figgy Pudding Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below! In this show we will be getting completely smashed with holiday cheer…well I might be anyway. Almost everyone loves alcohol in some form or fashion. Food preservation generally evokes visions of pickles, jellies, canning, dehydrating, dried garlic strung on a decorative braid, or even…
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December 23, 2017 0

Growing Fruits All Year Long!

Growing Fruits All Year Long There is no denying when it comes to the fact that fruits are good for our body. Some fruits have their health benefit “specialties” but regularly including them in one’s diet will ensure an all around health boost. But, even better than just consuming fruits would be growing them in…
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April 24, 2016 0

Home Food Production!

Home Food Production! Host: Mike Podlesny “Mike The Gardener” In this week’s episode, Mike interviews Steven Biggs. Steven Biggs is a journalist and author specializing in gardening, farming, and food production. As a life-long gardener, he has gardened wherever he’s lived, planting allotment gardens, container gardens, indoor gardens, and gardens in the overgrown backyards of…
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August 8, 2014 0

When pollination of certain fruits and vegetables stops. Think that will never happen?

This Tuesday 6:00pm/Central on Off Grid Preppers with your host Barbara we’re going deep into the rabbit hole…when pollination of certain fruits and vegetables stops. Think that will never happen? It already has. Find out why and tips on hand pollination for a time when the birds and the bees won’t be helping to produce…
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October 2, 2012 0

Easy grocery shopping by saving money.

Guest post:   Shopping for groceries at the mall or supermarket on every weekend according to shopping lists takes too much of time and energy. Sometime we go for shopping without having enough money and could not buy enough grocery for the week. Since, food and drink is the primary element for human being to…
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May 1, 2012 0

Urban Gardening, balcony or roof top?

Some love  the country life, some the CITY. But all of us love home grown fresh fruits and veggies! Join Lynna in the player below from her Tuesday night show as she picks her way through Urban Gardening. She’ll talk about the City Farmer and why growing food in the city matters to preppers and…
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April 17, 2012 0