Tag: free

Are we as free as we think?

Are we as free as we think we are? Richard McGrath “Finding Freedom” Audio in player below! This week on Finding Freedom Special guest Chris Weatherman “AKA” Angry American, author, prepper, and survivalist. Chris was also on season 1 of History’s hit show Alone. Chris’s book series i one of my favorites, starting with Going…
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December 7, 2016 0

Best Free Preps!

Best Free Preps! Highlander “Survival and Tech Preps” This is all about those free preps you might not have known you can get for… well free! What about all those different items that you can reuse for prepping? Not only the reuse but also what we can do to make a little extra money for our prepping…
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September 13, 2016 0

Cooking Without Power!

Cooking Without Power! Host: Lynna “The Other Side… A Preppers Path” Most of us are always looking for alternatives to the grid and resources that are inexpensive or free. There are all sorts of gadgets out there mixed in with some really inventive, efficient and renewable products and solutions. Who hasn’t been sitting in a…
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February 16, 2014 0

Preppers shying away from fitness!

Since we didn’t get to touch on fitness last week tonight we will go deep and discuss the importance of fitness in your toolbag. It’s not just about the physical conditioning! You know how there are certain issues in life we shy away from? We all deal with at least one pertinent issue that we…
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April 26, 2013 0

Working a budget and trying to prep! Want some free help?

If you are like most people, including myself, prepping is a daunting task and to do it on limited and for some no money may seem impossible. Here is an opportunity to increase your stock in the pantry with some very nice products for FREE while getting some great advice and tips on prepping. This…
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May 30, 2012 0